Really, it's just utter garbage,
I liked the first AvP film. It had it's flaws but it was visually excellent and had some great entertainment.
This film on the other hand is a complete disaster!
It's painfully obvious that it's geared towards 12-18 year old boys or those with the mentality of that age range. The film has annoying teenagers and masses of nonsense gore simply designed to get a "*beep* yeah!" out of the moronic audience. It even went for the twilight style small town setting to probably play off that and to save money on any kind of elaborate sets.
Now I'm the kind of person that really likes to give films a chance and I gave this one many chances just to see if I'd missed anything and I even Went so far as to do my own rough edit of the film and remove all the teen crap to see if there was a decent hour long 'visual only' movie under here just featuring the Predator chasing the down the Aliens.
There wasn't but it was less irritating.
This film is just complete garbage! A Tuesday hooker of a movie and just as toothless and trashy, simply designed to make opening week cash for as little outlay as possible and to hell what people actually think after they have paid to see it.
Fox really has a bad reputation for treating it's franchises (movies and TV alike) like *beep* and they really, REALLY botched up on this one.