Suspension of belief is fine, but ...

Nuking an entire town to save the rest of the country??!

No government is that sensible.

Democracy's the best form of government, provided its decision-making body consists of any odd number less than three and I'm one of its members.


If anything it reminded me of RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD. Not sure if that was a conscious homage, since in this film it worked perfectly, whereas in ROTLD it just made matters worse.


The same thing was done in The Crazies (ROTLD type movie) and Cloverfield. They were going to do it in Outbreak and they tried in The Avengers.

It just wasn't done well in this movie.


You suspend belief not disbelief


What happens when you suspend disbelief? Has anyone tried it?


I started to try to suspend my disbelief, but I full-on shït my pants. I wouldn't recommend it.
