If anyone wants to know how a modern bad movie with big budget looks like this is the one to watch...

First AVP was bad but it is amazing compared to this one...

I will point out just a couple of things that should work in a movie to be good...

1.Script was very unimaginative. Poorly written. Atrocious dialogue! To put an Alien infestation into a small American city was such a bad and stupid idea.

2.Actors. There wasn´t a single good performance in this film. Actors were bad of stiff as a rock...combine it with an awful script and you just don´t care about characters at all.
Worst performance was given by that younger brother of the main male protagonist. And that guy was wooden AF. The female´s acting was just unbelievable...All of the acting was like cut out of a soap opera. And bad one.

3.Direction. It is a B-movie. But it should not have been. Alien and Predator franchises have the ingredients for a B-movie but directors of previous films MADE sure it isn´t so...that was Ridley Scott´s mission from the start. B-movie premise with A level production (amazing actors, crew, artistic design etc.)
Strauss brothers are music video directors. So how come this movie is shot so poorly. With no visual style whatsoever? Usually directors that come from music videos or commercials have an eye for nicely composed shots...
Camera angles were just out of a TV B-movie. TERRIBLE lightning! Terrible...with such beautiful creatures to play with they lighted the movie so you can´t see SH I T!
Their determination for gore was welcomed by fans...and it was an answer to the first PG-13 AVP...but it didn´t do any good. They turned Aliens into a cheap b-movie force (once again something that Aliens NEVER were) stripped them down of the horror they gave us for decades...They tried to make Predator cool and I will say he is the most likable character in the whole movie! But he was pretty stupid. Cool but stupid...Like the scene where Alien is right under him and he has no idea...
They should stuck to music videos not movies

4. Creatures...I am not a fan of Aliens-type of dome..and I felt like Aliens looked bad because of that. And they looked cheap in several shots
Predator looked cool complaints there...double canon was great

Predalien´s design was good but you can´t even see him so it was basically pointless. But Predalien was more Predator than Alien and that was stupid imo...every alien takes features of its host we know that but. but not the other way around. Rapid growth of chestbursters was ridiculous and completely disrespectful to alien movies in general and the thing Pred did to pregnant women was just a stupid concept and it completely did not fit to Alien life cycle. Final fight was badly shot and you can´t even see what they are doing thanks to the darkness

What worked for me with this film...the sewers scene is fan favourite it was cool..IF ONLY WE COULD ACTUALLY SEE IT 

Biggest strength of the movie is Brian Tyler´s score... it does not shine that well in tho final movie but when listening to it he perfectly combined ALL scores from Alien 1-4 and Predator 1 and 2...I was amazed...I don´t think it was ever done can clearly tell which part of the score is inspired by original score....So only Brian Tyler came out of this disaster and a winner in my eyes...

Sorry fot this long rant if you want to add something or debate me on anything I´ll be glad to answer :)


shot at night to hide the flaws of the CGI.
in the rain to hide the CGI oily/greasy effect. like this

and this is only the technological part.. this film is garbage.


I would never accept any kind of AVP movies as a canon but as a guilty pleasure it could have been fun...

If it was given to and excuse me for saying this (not really) TALENTED PEOPLE!

They had money they had talented artists and and they managed to create such fvcking messes 


This movie is so obviously terrible in every dept. the glaring faults speak for themselves! I can only imagine that people who think it's good are Twilight fans who are too young to have seen or appreciate the Alien-Predator classics like Alien / Aliens / Predator / Predator 2


But it´s fault of could they give the material to those untalented directors...and yes they are not very talented
