I don't get the hate

They dared to do it in a different setting, the acting was A TRILLION times better than the water down first Avp, everything about it was better, costume designs, action, gore.

Lacked some suspense and for some reason it's so dark you can hardly see anything, still I really enjoyed it. The brothers Straus were clearly real fans, I thought it was miles better than Alien Resurrection and possibly even Predators.

Thought it was great, wanna see it again


True fans? They got absolutely nothing right with the material. They made the Predator too good and the Aliens too lame. Xenomorphs are supposed to be super intelligent and ruthless. So much alien blood was flying about in the second half of the film and causing no damage whatsoever. It was very amateur.


Xenomorphs are supposed to be super intelligent

Lol. Suuure they are.


You haven't watched the original films have you? Or at least didn't pay attention.


Cutting wires, using elevators, and pressing buttons with your tongue do not make you "super" intelligent. 😒


The Predator skinned an innocent father/cop. Cut the girl in half. Blew two kids head off. You are just plain wrong.


Did you mean good like over powered? If thats what you meant you may have a point.


No, they "dared" to make one of the worst movies ever created. And succeeded. It's just a shame they had to do it whilst including two of cinemas most iconic creatures.

AvP was awful but this film just takes it to a whole new level of terrible. The writing was like 10 year old fan-fiction (Predalien implants pregnant women with predalien eggs), the action was mostly obscured by darkness, the best scene in the entire movie was the girl getting her kit off by the pool.

I don't get how anyone can not "get" the hate. The movie was awful, had NO redeeming qualities whatsoever. It makes Terminator Genisys look like a masterpiece.


How can you possibly think it's worse than the first one which is utter toilet?


It's pretty easy. They're both "toilet" as you put it. A total an utter crap fest that takes the original material and uses it as an excuse to throw some more guns on the screen, an oversized pointless Predator and gore just for the sake of gore.

I mean the how does the hospital thing even make sense? I don't remember anything in basic physiology that shows a woman's uterus connected to throat in any way. How the hell did three little aliens pop out of her pregnant belly? And why three? Even if you allow for the stupidity of an alien gestating inside a human baby that is literally smaller than the baby alien when it erupts, where did the other one come from? It shows ignorance of the source material, basic biology and just plain common sense. And this is just one scene in the whole 95 minute crap fest.

Poor choices made by the writers and directors to promote the lowest common values of both series. There is no horror here. I feel no fear from either of the predatory species in this movie. I feel sickened at the remains of their kills and unimpressed by a story that renders the entire fight between these two mega predatory species pointless by the US Air Force nuking them into oblivion.


I can't even summon the sarcasm to deliver an appropriate response to anyone that considers this one to have any redeeming qualities. They should have spent whatever they saved by not hiring an editor on screenplay rewrites. This is what happens when producers with no vision try to squeeze the last red cent out of a franchise or franchises. Fortunately it didn't kill either one.


I hated the first AVP, Requiem is 100x better, I have the uncut version of Requiem and it kicks ass



2016 Ranked so far


Totally agree


Flashroxx, the first AVP was actually pretty good, but this dreck is a wreck, definitely one of the worst movies ever made in movie history--I wish I could rate it minus infinity


Both movies are bad from a base level: concept, story, characters. So you can't win with either.

But Requiem is far more enjoyable to watch. It at least has some action, some gore, and it's a pretty hilarious experience when you really think about it: Aliens just POP-UP overnight in a small US town. These people would be like WTF is going!?!?! Think of the pool scene. Some high school kid is about to get laid, gets jumped, then some MONSTER jumps into the pool and gores them. Then, that girl who walks into the kitchen and sees her boss mutilated. Haha. What must she have been thinking? At least the premise of this movie was a bit more enjoyable than the horrid first one.

But don't get me wrong! Both movies have severe technical issues with the source material, and are both unfaithful to Aliens and Predators alike. Predators come off as being utter idiots, and Aliens are just fodder ... though in reality, they would be --- people give a single Alien too much credit. In a war of species, these things would be a mass-numbers prevail or null concept, that's it. Otherwise they are fodder, especially against weapons. Why do you think all the movies take place in CQC narrow hallways? To give them legitimacy... I digress.

Anyway. I always liked this movie more than AVP. AVP just felt like a 13 year old Tomb Raider movie. It was literally AWFUL. They even used Matrix slow-motion, just like every movie of 2014 did. Slow-mo in an Alien movie? The whole point of the creature is to be subtle, quick, and deadly ... not to slow down the action in freeze-frames.

I never got it thought. This movie is SUCH AN EASY CONCEPT TO GET RIGHT. Here's your premise: Aliens (2). Just add Predators. There, done. Have fun. That's all they ever needed to do. No Earth *beep* No past crap. Just future Aliens universe, marines, and predators in a bar room brawl on LB0000022929292929. The story writes itself. Just make sure to make in the 1980's so it stands a chance of actually being good. Anything after that ... haha, good luck.


My biggest gripe was the lighting for a good portion of the movie. Especially in the sewer, I understand using darkness for suspense, but there were parts where I literally couldn't tell what was happening onscreen. Needed to be balanced better.



It is downright the most thoughtless, mindless, unoriginal movies i've ever seen. A real milestone in derivative work and fan-based excessive reverence.
