Are you people high?

Are you all part of some mass joke or rick-rolling exercise designed to make people watch this?

This film is barely a Twilight Zone episode, is shot appallingly, and the dialogue is atrocious. I can't believe this was made in 2007, it looks at least 20-years older than that.

What an utterly boring and unengaging story.


Opinion noted.


Sorry you didn't enjoy it.It does have a low budget look to it and not a whole lot happens.It doesn't rely heavily on special effects or action to tell its story.Rather it draws the audience in with a simple conversation that tells a whimsical tale of immortality.I found the conversation itself to be very engaging.


It currently has a solid 8.0 rating on this site. Welcome to the minority, OP.

Also, you should educate yourself a bit on a film's background before making a comment like you did...and actually using the word "atrocious". Fancy words do not detract from your lack of detail in your criticism.

Also mentioning "rick-rolling" and drug use didn't secure you much credibility.

Sig: "U" "PPL" "WAT" etc. are not words. Grow up. "then" is a reference to time not a comparison.


I haven't actually seen the film but i had this thought also. The people who give it good reviews all sound like Scientologists.


by buckly » I haven't actually seen the film but i had this thought also. The people who give it good reviews all sound like Scientologists.

Well gee, what more proof should a person need?

A review comprised solely of implied ridicule admittedly based on no frame of reference whatsoever.

It just doesn't get any better than that.
