I can watch The Last Samurai over and over...
...because it has a plotline very similar to Avatar and, say, Dances with Wolves, but unlike Avatar, the culture is real and fascinating, the characters are likable, the facts are historical and only slightly altered, and the battle action is awesome! And above all, NO CGI! Also, excellent cinematography, direction, and music by Hans Zimmer.
I got Avatar on Blu-ray when it came out ten years ago, but I've hardly felt the desire to watch it since. I think it's because, even though I like sci-fi, I just can't take this fictional culture seriously, not to mention the cheesy nature of the story. The only thing that was interesting was the natural "plug-in" nature of the neural network throughout the planet being interfaced via the living beings, both intelligent and not. But aside from that: trite, rhetorical, cliched movie.