Beth & Axelle

Does anyone think that Axelle could/would have kept Beth alive if she had returned her affections?
Whenever Axelle looked at her, I thought she looked really hopeful.


In as much as you have to rely on her expression to figure what she was thinking, my reaction is she probably liked Beth and didn't want to get her hurt but she represented money for her family's estate. I'm only guessing, because she probably had been setting women up for a while. If she could go through that so many times I doubt she had any feelings for anyone anyway. Maybe she was a sadist who enjoyed the knowledge that these poor women were doomed by her hand.



No because she sensed Beth's attraction to her while modeling nude. She was baiting Beth the same as the girls did to Paxton's group in the first movie. Axelle wasn't gay just playing to distract Beth until it was time to nab her. Remember the look she gave Beth on the stairs? That pretty much summed up her intentions from the jump.


Yeah, I've watched it again since my post & that look on the stairs said a LOT. I think Beth held a kind of fascination for her, but more like a piece of art that she admired but didn't want or need to actually possess. But it was an interesting dynamic & shows that those are two beautiful actresses who can actually ACT. Everything important about their involvement with each other (or lack thereof) was shown to us, not told through bad dialog. One of the reasons I loved this movie.


I also think Axelle liked the power she had over her victims.

'Go get an education, learn to talk you first language, lerarn to spell countries names' nidii-76417




