Unintentional Camp.
If this had been intended to be a campy B horror movie, or maybe a spoof, it would have been great. Unfortunately, I'm fairly certain this was intended to be an actual serious horror movie. The scariest thing about it was the acting. Not one of the actors turns in a decent performance. The lines are delivered in clipped, overly dramatic stage voice, like third graders trying to do Shakespeare - except that the plot is less Shakespeare and more Kafka on hardcore drugs. The dialogue itself it reminiscent of a bunch of cokeheads trying to do a Family Guy impression, and contains more cheese than Wisconsin. My personal favorite is "Why is this happening to us, Kat? Please, Jesus, please tell me this is a dream!" Please, SOMEONE tell me this is a joke! Looking on imdb through these actors' resumes, it doesn't surprise me the Andrew Divoff is the only one to do anything major - and even he turns in the kind of performance that makes one wonder if he was blackmailed into doing this film. The vultures and the mutants both are about as scary as gumdrops. The camera movement is so shaky I wished I had some dramomine to stop the nausea. The special effects are ridiculous (The axe spinning through the air completely vertically to land in Divoff's hand? Seriously?). The vultures look like puppets covered in sludge. I can only assume Erin Brown used her real name instead of her stage name of Misty Mundae so this film wouldn't ruin her adult film career. And WTH is up with the monkey puppet the one mutant taunts Kat with? That and the gratuitous and grisly deaths of the two children makes me wonder what kind of childhood the writers of the film had, and makes me think that children should probably be kept far away from them - particularly since the children are played by one of the writer's children! The basic plot had the potential to be a good Frankenstein-style movie, but instead the writers apparently decided that it would be better to take it in the direction of complete anarchy and idiocy, spiced with a bit of sadistic murders of little kids. About the only redeeming factor of the movie is the makeup job on Divoff, and that is hardly enough to make this movie worthwhile.