New thoughts on Shannon.

If the allegations regarding David hitting Shannon are true. I actually feel bad for her and this current development explains a little on why she's the way she is.

I still think Shannon can be annoying, loud, obnoxious, arrogant and just hypocritical, but no man should ever hit his wife. Whether she "asked for it" or not. Not cool. I'm not going to suggest what she should or should not have done as it's not my place. I just feel bad for her and despite the fact, I really cannot stand Shannon, I wish her well and good luck.

Anyone who thinks it is acceptable for a male to hit a female is stupid.

Move along:


I think its been discussed by Shannon already on the show,not exactly sure what he did (hitting or pushing) but he did something, although I dont think it was him beating the crap out of her. It was along time ago if i remember correctly and they have both moved past it.


If she already mentioned in on the show, I must have missed it.

It's very disturbing. I knew there was something about David....

Move along:


What allegations are these?? What did I miss?!

The big moments are gonna come. You can't help that. It's what you do afterwards that counts.


I missed it, too! I only read about it on another thread.

I did some research. I don't know how true it is. If it is, it's really disturbing.

Move along:


We know he was charged but we dont know how bad it was. While I dont think abuse is right, I have been in a abusive relationship, I'm not going to jump to any conclusions on how bad it was. Were they maybe both drinking and then got into a fight and he pushed her, hurting her? (still not right but he didnt beat the crap out of her) I have no clue, until I know exactly what happened, I'm not going to judge to much.


She kind of annoys me at times. Other times she is ok. I still want to see what caused the recent blowout and end of friendship between her and Tamra with Vicki. Anytime anyone defends Vicki on Twitter to Shannon or Tamra they just say "keep watching. You'll see what kind of "friend" she turned out to be". And Tamra said she gave Vicki one last chance and she blew it. I'm assuming this all went down after or during her Fitness Competition since Vicki, her boyfriend and Briana went to that and they were still friends then.


Yes it went down after. I'm not sure if something on the show happens, but I know that after Tamra's comp, Vicky ended up going to dinner with Kelly, Gretchen and Lizzy, and something's were tweeted by Vicky that I think pissed Tamra off. I posted the article in another thread, Ill see if i can find it. But it shows what was posted. Although it was nothing horrible, I think she posted something about "comparing stories and seeing what really went down". Plus you know it pisses Tamra off that Vicky is now friendly with Gretchen


I saw on Instagram that Vicki and Gretchen had lunch and I did a double take.


Here's the link


Yeah that too probably didn't help matters. Tamra had been getting chummy with Heather and Shannon without the others included (from what it looks like). Vicki, Meghan and Kelly weren't apparently invited to Tamra's birthday luncheon in September. I already know she presently isn't friends any longer with Kelly or Vicki. The conflict with Kelly will probably be revealed in the Ireland episode next week - but they had a big Twitter blowout about something recently relating to Tamra contacting an ex or friend of Kelly's. Kelly stated Tamra was a stalker. Tamra tweeted her back saying "You know why the cast all hates you now - except Vicki". After the previews for the rest of season aired, Tamra stated on her twitter that the big "F-YOU" shown in previews to Vicki was the last goodbye she said forever to her. I'm assuming that was after the competition and Tamra said that occurs at the end of the season.


Including "whether or not she asked for it" is contrary to saying no man should ever hit his wife.
If Vicki is the source of this rumor, ( regardless if it has any merit), then she deserves every bit of ill will many viewer's have for her.


I agree- there is a contradiction there, to put it mildly.
