Tamra sucks at checking people out online, because Steve Lodge Chavez has quite the checkered past. There were at least 4 lawsuits alleging police brutality- one man was awarded $600,000 after Lodge Chavez beat the crap out of him for jaywalking. For years Steve went by Steve Lodge, until he decided he needed the long dropped surname for political reasons when running for office. What more perfect way to garner some free publicity than to date the original Housewife of Orange County?! People attract those similar to them- Vicki deserves this loser.
I think it's pretty apparent you have an obsessive, partisan agenda, much like Gustavo Arrellano - you know who that is?
However, I'm curious as to where you get your information and did you bother to investigate these "police brutality" lawsuits before repeating them in some lame attempt to perpetuate the "I hate Vicki" BS?
It's really odd how upset you get when anyone dares speak against Vicki. Are you a friend/family member of hers? It's just weird how personally you take everything.
"You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you." Mr Darcy
It's really odd how upset you get when anyone dares speak against Vicki.
It isn't really any more or less "odd" than an anonymous stranger on an internet message board obsessing over a reality tv cast member - a person they don't even know - and spreading her opinionated hateful BS to everyone. Also, it isn't really any more or less "odd" how posters on this very site are not allowed to have a differing opinion or defend Vicki without having to be attacked, bullied, called names or accused of being a friend or family member of Vicki because they don't share their opinion. I couldn't care less about Vicki. However, I still maintain an ounce of compassion and decency and will continue to refuse jumping on the "let's all hate Vicki" bandwagon. NO ONE is perfect.
However, I would really like to know how my asking legitimate questions is "odd" or suggests I'm "upset" or "taking things personally"? Last time I checked, I wasn't the one spreading vicious hateful gossip about a reality tv cast member. I thought I was asking a legitimate question.
It gets old really fast and it is annoying having to read through thread after thread of anti-Vicki BS. Get a life already.
Are you a friend/family member of hers?
No. Would that make my opinion any more or less relevant? What exactly are you insinuating with asking that odd question?
It's just weird how personally you take everything.
I think your assessment of the situation is just weird and pretty ridiculous. You've talked to me how many times? I don't even know you. With all due respect, your assessment is BS.
There are two sides to every story and I prefer having both sides before I jump to conclusions. Does the OP know the circumstances and outcomes of these "police brutality" lawsuits? Do you? I'm serious and have done further research. I want to know why it's perfectly acceptable to continuously talk *beep* about Vicki or her family, but no one better dare question the gossip, truth or not, being spewed.
I don't think it's right spreading gossip when they really don't know what the hell they are talking about. I also don't think it's right looking for ways to bash Vicki. I think it's immature, vindictive and pretty ignorant to accuse Vicki of being in on a cancer scam - when she has continued to deny any involvement - or her using a "charity" to make money. Do they think doctors, nurses, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, etc. just donate their time and drugs to treat or cure cancer? Do you think City of Hope treats patients for free?
Seriously, the day the drug companies donate their drugs instead of using the drugs to make a profit and the day in which hospitals treat cancer patients with absolutely no charge, I will continue to think the whole medical profession is in it for the money. As of now, I will continue to think charities, pharmaceutical companies, doctors, surgeons, specialists, nurses, hospitals - the whole Medical profession is a business - they offer services in exchange for money. To suggest otherwise is just ignorant BS.
Americanreject is sitting at a table for one around here. Is it hateful gossip if it is the truth?! There is a big difference between sharing information about a cast member that many on here have grown to dislike and making statements about individuals that post here. There have been discussions on these boards of whether or not cast members or their significant others post on this website. If Vicki or someone close to her ( Steve) did post here, I would guess it would be a similar to one on this thread. 😉
I think perhaps you are the one with an obsessive agenda. Labeling other posters seems to be your MO. You know nothing about me- and I am not on a reality show putting my life on display. To be honest, I did read the piece by Arrellano, although there are many other online articles talking about Steve Lodge. I have no agenda against Vicki- I found her entertaining to watch until she dumped all her integrity and lied about cancer. To then start a questionable charity portal and claim to be doing it to fight cancer is so insensitive and inflammatory and no surprise that so many previous fans have turned against her.
Vicki just can't be alone for awhile. She has to be in a relationship, even if it's an unhealthy one. She even said she wants to have sex, even seemed jealous of others in relationships. She's getting hickeys now so hopefully she's happy.
Knock if off Napolean make yourself a dang quesadil-la!
She really is sick, insisting Kelly do anything to work out her terrible marriage because being single sucks. I'm single, and no it actually doesn't. She has a real fear of being alone and it's frankly pathetic and only leads to terrible choices of men.