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Shannon and Meghan not visiting Vicki in the hospital...

Ok, am I the only one on the planet that doesn't feel like Shannon and Meghan are bad because they didn't visit Vicky in the hospital? To be honest, if it was me in their position, I probably wouldn't have visited her either! You know for sure that's vicky would not have visited them, and neither of them at friends. With her. To call or text her, I think that's all they needed to do. I would have asked "if you need anything let me know" and if Vicki text them asking to visit, then ok, I'd visit. But the others to be angry and somewhat rude to them because they didn't go to the hospital?
I don't think they were in the wrong....
Might be just me. I just might be a sucky person. Sorry-not sorry


No, I don't see why they should have visited her either. They're not friends and actually don't even like each other. I wouldn't visit someone I didn't like and was in fight with.

Your future is all used up


No you're not. That guilt trip that Heather and Tamra laid on was so *beep* up and I can't believe Meghan caved. Her pregnancy definitely made her soft.

Heather was a total bitch and I couldn't stand how she was acting during that time. If they were so concerned, they should have packed their sh*t up to go be with Vicki. After all, that's what real friends would have done. Complete hypocrites!

And of course, Vicki milked it in order to further crawl away from her lies and cancer scam with Brooks. Nice deflection Vicki...perfect timing.


I agree. And heather is my favorite oc housewife and I thought she was acting like a total b-word


You know Vicki would never have visited either one of them...


Yup, EXACTLY!! I even mentioned that in my post!!! She definitely would not have. If I was in the hospital, I wouldn't want people who weren't my close friends or family to visit. MAYBE a manager or close coworker, and I CERTAINLY would NOT get upset if someone didn't visit me. Family, my best friend, boyfriend, yes, I would be a bit upset, BUT, I know that hospitals freak people out. If they sent a card or a text, that would be enough for me.
But, of course, I am not as self serving or attention seeking as Vicki is.
And i actually am one of those FEW individuals who like Vicki.


Vicki was treated in the emergency room for a relatively short time and was not admitted. As a nurse I can tell you that the ER is not an appropriate place to visit someone. If Vicki needed clothing or a ride home she should have asked her family or close friends, and Megan and Shannon are neither of those.
Team # don't visit Sicki## 100 % !!!!


I agree. They were not being rude by not visiting the women in the hospital. Also even Vicky's family admitted she is known to embellish sickness or injury. Uhmm cancergate anyone.


You mean you weren't amused by Vicki's story of having all her clothes cut off of her, then having to UBER home in a paper gown at 1 am? No matter what, these women all look bad just forgetting about her for the most part! I hope no one here ends up being discarded like this after an accident!  

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