Vicki is at it (scamming) again

So Vicki is telling the public that she is on a campaign to Kill All Cancer? No. What she is really campaigning for is to fill her coffers by selling cancer insurance. This is not insurance you can buy AFTER you are diagnosed with cancer, when most insurance companies will not cover you or sell a new policy to you. This is insurance to cover you IN CASE you are diagnosed with cancer, just like any other insurance. The only difference is the way this group of scam artists, Vicki included, are wordsmithing in the commercial, to fool folks.

Please note, Vicki's new "venture" has nothing to do with curing cancer, cancer research, or helping those already diagnosed with cancer. She is not affiliated with any physicians or research centers. This is no different than regular health insurance except it will not pay unless you get cancer. She is using people. THE ONLY thing this will accomplish is increase Vicki's income.

You have no more chance of being approved to purchase a policy by Vicki's method if you already have cancer than you would with any other insurance company and Vicki knows this. She is a longtime insurance agent and she knows exactly what she is doing. If you already have cancer that is called a preexisting condition and you will be denied a policy. You must be healthy to be aproved for a policy. She is preying on people just as she did when she was selling those ridiculous juices and claiming they were cancer cures.

As far as a cancer charity, Vicki is not establishing any new cancer charity. Any charity to which she might be a newcomer is already in place and the public can check out its authenticity and donate if they choose, without any involvement with Vicki. VICKI does not have the sterling reputation required to back any reputable charity and I doubt they would welcome her public support.

The only entities to gain from this campaign are Vicki Gunvalson personally, Coto Insurance and the slime balls who were behind the cameras directing her. When they met in the conference room she even said under her breath it was "all about selling insurance". If you can, watch it again. It is a scam, to benefit Vicki. Shame on her again.

When she first met with the promoters, not from any charity, even her own son, Michael, was trying to get her to tell the truth. My guess is because he; knew she was lying, knew she was using the Brooks had cancer story which she knew was a lie, he wanted this not to happen because he saw it as a scam and finally, because he wanted nothing to do with it.

Vicki is reprehensible and greedy. How dare she prey on people yet again? You watch.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


I'm right there with you on this train of thought Darla. Vicki is only out for one person and that is herself. Even this season I have seem her do selfish things (like making her daughter drive in pain...meaning she couldn't take her meds and nod while Vicki did the driving). I wouldn't trust her in a heartbeat.

So many insurances are for the birds. Thx to Obama care I had to get it and have a medical history. I have to pay 9K per year, I have a 5500 deductible and then it will only cover 10K of claims. So when I'm healthy, like now, I'm basically throwing my money away to fill their coffers.

I don't know it's name but there's a website you can check out charities. Some pay a lot to the cause. Say 90 cents on the dollar. Others mostly cover "administrative costs" and only give 10 cents on the dollar. Before you donate look up the statistics. You'd be amazed at the bigger names that are ripping people off in the guise of charity. If I can find its name I'll come back to post it.
Do your homework folks. You'll feel better about giving to the ones that indeed are true charities. NOT Vicki's. Bet she's on the dime on a dollar side of the spectrum.


Mindthinkr, hopefully we will have a new administration which will turn around this insurance insanity. Those who cannot afford insurance are paying penalties for not having insurance.

Your situation is ridiculous. You will likely never be in a situation whereby you can use it due to the extreme deductible. Understand, I hope you are never drastically ill, but I think you get my point.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


^Agree DarlaKDavis, we really need a big change in the administration, one that will put the American public first. People can't afford crazy health insurance costs, but you get penalized for not having it. This country is taking a nosedive, I hope it's not too late.
As for Vicki, seems to me like she's trying to do damage control. She knows she scammed everyone with the whole Brooks cancergate, now she's trying to look like she really cares. It's really hard to take her seriously.

Knock if off Napolean make yourself a dang quesadil-la!


Vicky's new venture that she calls a charity is more of a portal. All proceeds are routed through a gofundme page to City of Hope.
Charity Navigator is a good watchdog for charities and has rated City of Hope a four star reputable charity.
Anyone wishing to donate to them can do so Directly ( bypass Vicki's nonsense) at !!


I don't trust Charity Navigator - and I have a very good reason for saying so.


I bet I could guess why you don't trust Charity Navigator. I do not discuss politics on these boards, but does your reason have anything to do with a certain " Foundation" ? 😉😊


That's one reason, and you're probably right about my politics, but I came to distrust Charity Navigator years ago, when they reported the CEO pay at a well-known Houston foundation as ZERO - the CEO was actually paid mid-six figures by the hospital system which was (supposedly) the sole beneficiary of the same foundation. So, technically CN was correct, but it was very deceptive. The foundation seemed to buy a table at every charity gala in town, and this CEO, her family, and her friends were the occupants at all these events. Personally, I found it disgusting.

One more thing - shortly after the hospital system's CEO announced his resignation, the CEO of the foundation announced hers.


I completely agree with you Darla. She's thinks we're all stupid. It's a shame some folks will buy into it.


Unfortunately, the people who will need it the most will be most seriously injured by Vicki's scam.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie




Anyone that goes to Vicki's Kill all Cancer site to donate is routed through a gofundme page. I went on and made comments about her claims of transparency. Anyone with concerns can do the same. Last time I looked they had raised a whopping $ 114....
City of hope is a legit charity, and it's a shame they are being linked with Vicki.


It's very sad. I only donate to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital.


Ilovetennis, we have that in common. When I was much younger I traveled my neighborhood with a St. Jude's donation can to collect for the children. Now, except for minor donations here and there, St. Jude's Children's Hospital is where I send my donations

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


Have you ever seen the advertisement for the Shriner's Hospital? The little boy that you first see is so cute and adorable. I always want to send money. I try to donate to a few charities each year, but my most frequent donations are to a local animal organization. My company does Matching Gifts, so it's nice that I can help in that way too.

What Vicki is doing is sickening and almost makes me physically ill. It's selfish and tacky and she's only doing it to make herself look better and to put more money in her pocket. She needs to go away.


St Jude's is a wonderful place that does so much for children regardless of their income.


Now they are at $143 of $500k goal. Only three people donated. Vicki is pathetic.


Vjpb, doesn't that goal seem ridiculously low? I am no swami, but I am pretty sure Vicki's personal goal for selling "cancer insurance" by which she will profit is much higher.

Juliegirl had the best idea by suggesting donations be made directly to City of Hope.

I wonder if the principals at City of Hope know they are now linked to Vicki Gunvalson? They have an excellent reputation and it would be my guess she glommed onto them without their knowledge or approval. Why on earth would they want or need her as a spokesperson?

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


Thanks, Darla! 😊


Speaking of ridiculous cancer charities, read this from 2015:


Blackie, I just read the article. The only differences between Vicki and those scammers is they stole in higher numbers and are apparently better dressed.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


I knew them - they lived in my building. A couple of years before they scooted out of town, my nose told me it was a scam...and my nose was right, as it always is.


Right on Darla, right on!


The website says "coming soon" now


Vicki has always sucked and will continue to suck forever.
