Vicki and Kelly

Did anyone else find it funny that during their whole dinner all they did was talk about the other girls...while at Shannon's party no one ever mentioned either one of those two.

The two girls who complain about people holding on to a grudge and say they don't care what anyone thinks about them and who "don't need them" sure can't get them out of their minds and "let it go" as they say.


Time to get rid of Kelly and Vicki. They add nothing but toxins and I can sure do without Vicki's daughter and her family.


Time to get rid of Kelly and Vicki. They add nothing but toxins and I can sure do without Vicki's daughter and her family.

this. I also find it telling that such a vile broad like kelly meshed so well with vicki.


Yes to this!! Please spare us of these two losers.


I noticed a few things. That as Vicki was getting ready to sip her martini, Kelly's was almost gone! She must have inhaled it during her first taste! That Kelly wanted Vicki to 'teach' her social graces...really lol?!? Isn't it considered rude to have your pocketbook on the table whilst dining? The way that Kelly almost screamed and demanded horseradish. I'm very surprised that Vicki didn't know that it was hot. Surely for someone as well traveled as she is she's bound to have encountered it before. Especially in Bloody Mary's these days. I have trouble finding a mix without it (any recommendations will be cheerfully taken) The word 'please' would go a long way in Kelly's vocabulary. She'll start to sound too demanding like Heather!

Be well and be kind


That Kelly wanted Vicki to 'teach' her social graces...really lol?!?

LOL And wasn't it Vicki that PEED OUTSIDE on that ski slope the one year???  "Social graces", my Aunt Fanny!

Their whole conversation at dinner just seemed like a facade to mask their true feelings of hurt and neglect. I'm not synpathizing, though, because they brought it all on themselves. 


"Could you please get your head out of your ass? It's not a hat!" - Pitch Perfect


Vicki leaving a pee stain on Tamra's bed.

Vicki fake retching so everyone can hear.

Vicki tasting something and screwing up her face, pursing her lips and doing the disgusting darting her tongue out whilst she makes that slobbering sound.

Viking lifting her glass with her right hand, placing her left hand on her shoulder in that weird pose and downing her drink.

Vicki yelljng "woo hoo" in any bar, in any country, because the occasion is, well, she is drinking again.

Vicki on the ski slopes screeching "I have not had sex with multiple partners in my life!"

Vicki at the 70's party squaring off with David and cursing at him.

Vicki, at her age, dancing on the bar.

Vicki the grifter soliciting for cancer insurance.

Vicki wearing stripper clothes everywhere she goes.

Sure, sign up here for "Miss Vicki Gunvalson's School of Charm and Deportment".


That Kelly wanted Vicki to 'teach' her social graces...really lol?!?

I told my wife that I wanted Herr Hitler to teach me compassion, and Hillary Clinton to teach me ethics and truth-telling!


>>I told my wife that I wanted Herr Hitler to teach me compassion, and Hillary Clinton to teach me ethics and truth-telling!



I loved the one tabasco puts out. It's spicy not hot. If it's too hot for you just add some tomato juice to it.
I used to bartend and found that one has the best seasonings in any of them. I don't like the ones where you can tasted the celery seeds. I think is was something made by V-8 juice.


Thanks. I'll have to try that one. I usually make a Bloody Mary Bar when I have company so we all can have them just the way that we like them. The current trend here is a pickled okra garnish. I hated okra (slimy texture) until I tried it pickled. It actually has crunch and is yummy.

Be well and be kind


Haha. I guess you're wearing blinders, because the opposite of what you said is true.

The other housewives constantly gossip about Vicki and Kelly. Non-stop. They are excluded from parties/trips/etc for that very reason--so the spineless ladies can gossip about Kelly and Vicki without having to face them in person.

And for someone who claims to have moved on, Shannon sure seems to me like someone who holds a grudge until the end of time. She can put on a fake smile all she wants--anyone with a brain knows she's dead inside with a black heart.

The show is boring and would be cancelled if not for Kelly and Vicki.


I was speaking strictly about Shannon's party. No one mentioned a word about them (unless I missed it...I admit I did mute it a few times because I couldn't listen to Shannon screech "are you kidding me?!" any more) but all Vicki and Kelly talked about was the party they weren't invited too.


Sure, everyone wants to invite liars and filthy name callers to pleasant.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


No..that's just what we saw.

I find it unlikely that Kelly and Vicki did nothing but talk about Shannon and Co.

and I find it equally as unlikely that Shannon and her party didn't mention them at all. Jeff Lewis made a comment about her at one point.

The big moments are gonna come. You can't help that. It's what you do afterwards that counts.


When Shannon, Meghan and Heather said they weren't going to film with Vicki this season I guess they meant it.

Vicki and Kelly are reduced to pretending they like each other, meeting for drinks and such, when in truth in any other season Vicki wouldn't have given Kelly the time of day.

Tamra is softening toward Vicki, but she's really always just looking out for Tamra, any chance to promote herself.


We are only discussing what we watched.
