The nose flick thing

Is such an invasion of personal space. I hate it. I don't blame the other women for calling Kelly out, and it says a lot about her that she thinks it's 'funny.'

Your future is all used up


Until John did it on RHoNY, I hadn't seen anyone do that in decades. I wonder if she saw John do it and thought it would be funny


Someone did it to me a few times when I was like 12 even after I asked them to stop and I think it legit traumatised me lol so seeing Kelly o it made me rage.

Your future is all used up


I would have straight beat her ass! Stop means STOP! Keep your hands to yourself!


I agree. It's a violation of personal boundaries and respect. It's downright creepy too


She would lose that finger if she tried to do it to me.


I just don't understand why she or anyone for that matter finds it funny. Even drunk I wouldn't put my finger near someone's nose.

White lightening+Black Hammer


The nose flick or someone pointing their finger in my face (which these ladies do to each other all the time), make me go crazy.




Good one. That makes me crazy as well. I knew this woman who was in her nineties who use to do that to me and I hated it but I didn't say anything because of her age (and she was a cutie). It drove me nuts though.


My mom does that and it drives me crazy- she is very "touchy". It is different than someone flicking you in the nose though.


I agree. I think it's something that people do to tease someone and show disrespect. There's nothing funny about it.


I agree- I'm not a violent person at all, but am protective of my personal space and if Kelly did that to me I would have possibly backhanded her.



The nose-flick is childish and stupid. I think I'd tell sternly her to stop, maybe throw in a swear or two. Slapping her in the face or some such seems a bit extreme. And with Kelly it would probably end up with rolling-on-the -floor, hair-pulling ugliness.

It's a passive-aggressive thing she's doing, it's hostility on Kelly's part.

It's a bit contradictory to say "I'm not a violent person, but I'd hit her."


For me it is almost an instinctive reaction- if someone puts their hands on me in an aggressive way I am not comfortable with that and could react in a knee jerk manner. I am not saying I would start a brawl, but if you invade someone's personal space aggressively, you deserve what you get.


If you do it to Kelly, do it with great intent to down her as she'd come back up swinging and for once get her crown for being the victim lol !!


I don't know. I'm getting the feeling that Kelly backs down when confronted. I'm not advocating violence, but why didn't she go after Tamra when Tamra supposedly hit her? I would have knocked Tamra on her ass if she hit me.


I was teasing as I'd never...nope never...go after another with my fists, but these ladies sure know how to test those boundaries. That's a good point about us hearing Kelly saying that Tamra hit her...and that Tamra would stop at one blow or that Kelly didn't begin a public brawl.


I agree, Karma. Kelly says offensive hurtful things and then acts incredulous and wounded when called on it. I think Kelly would cower if confronted in a strong manner that indicated no more nonsense.
