This woman deserves whatever comes her way, she continually brings this ish on herself and then cries mean girls. I don't understand why they keep inviting her to things, she clearly can't be trusted.
And then gonna call Shannon a drunk in the preview for next week?! That lush gonna call someone else names!?? STOP
It makes me wonder if the problem in Kelly's marriage is really her husband. What if Kelly is the ome ruining her own marriage?
And yes, Kelly has lost her damn mind. She reminds of me a friend that I used to be in my circle. She would have tantrums whenever she was drunk. It was so toxic that I had to end our friendship.
Have you ever noticed, though, that when she says these things she gets this look on her face as if she knows she messed up, but then gets angry because someone reacts and confronts her about it? I could be reaching, but I see that all the time with her. She knows she's wrong, gets indignant for being caught, but doesn't have the guts to get out of it. She just plants her feet and refuses to be moved.
Burn, Hollywood, Burn!- from the incomparable album Fear of a Black Planet by Public Enemy.
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All I know is, these middle aged broads don't have to run to tattle and start drama! Shannon and Tamra are just blabbermouths! If conflict occurs, they shouldn't be surprised because they're all drama queens; esp. Heather! "I've never been thrown out of a store before!" So what b!tch! Just go away! 
She does hit below the belt and I do believe she checked into the Dubrow's finances or at the very least disclosed to Tamra what was disclosed to her.
Of course, she did! That's the kind of person she is. She's so pathetic to watch, I almost want to give her a small pass and say she's overwhelmed by everyone because she's the newcomer and wants desperately to fit in and establish herself as a standout. The only other housewife I've ever known to come in and take the show by storm in terms of winning over viewers in her first season was Shannon. Kelly's probably checked into all of them and knows this as well, which would explain why she harbors so much animus toward Shannon.
Burn, Hollywood, Burn!- from the incomparable album Fear of a Black Planet by Public Enemy.
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I used the habitual line crosser comment because she kind of reminds me of Charlie Murphy's stories of Rick James from The Chappelle Show when she's drunk. (and she is also a habitual line crosser) If she keeps doing that stupid nose boop, maybe someone will ask her "what did the 5 fingers say to the face?"
Oh man made me lose sleep. I almost died laughing reading this!! The Charlie Murphy True Hollywood Stories were classic!! I ended up youtbing them last night after reading your "habitual line crosser" reply. Darkness!!!! Haha!!
Anywho....that was really awkward to watch last night. I almost wish Dave Chapelle dressed as Rick James would have showed up at that bar and beeotch slapped all of them.
Hahaha, I'm glad someone knew what I was talking about! I miss Chapelle Show. The Charlie Murphy episodes still hold up and are still as funny today as they were when they aired. To this day, I can't hear the word "unity" without thinking UNITY!!!!
I laughed just as hard watching them the other night as I did when they first aired! The scene of Dave with those ridiculous boots messing up Eddie Murphy's couch is still comedy gold!
You're not reaching. She also tries to pretend that it was all a joke.
Even when Tamra confronted her off camera in the store she pretended like she didn't know what Tamra was talking about. She's so transparent and quite juvenile.
@ysis yes I noticed she does that. Did you notice that when Tamara said, "who me? " Kelly had an oh crap face. Her eyes got very large and it was if she was wondering if she was going to own her statement or not. When Tamra started walking up to her you can see her eyes getting more larger. The whole time I kept thinking kelly if you didn't mean it why not just apologize right now. Instead she just kept being defensive.
yes I noticed she does that. Did you notice that when Tamara said, "who me? " Kelly had an oh crap face. Her eyes got very large and it was if she was wondering if she was going to own her statement or not. When Tamra started walking up to her you can see her eyes getting more larger. The whole time I kept thinking kelly if you didn't mean it why not just apologize right now. Instead she just kept being defensive.
YES! That's it! It's as if she goes down that road, turns around, realizes she's lost, but is afraid to go back the way she came. Which then makes me wonder, is she as crazy as we think, or crazy like a fox?
Burn, Hollywood, Burn!- from the incomparable album Fear of a Black Planet by Public Enemy.
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When she did that, it made me wonder to myself is this her or production in her ear telling her things to say. It almost makes me wonder does she really want to say hurtful things and is production pressuring her. I hate to sound like I am giving Kelly an excuse for her behaviour since she is a grown woman but I do wonder if production told her to act up or there will be no 2nd season for her.
Yes she has. It isn't even fun for me to snark on Kelly anymore, or her husband either. I'm not joking when I say I believe they both have serious psychological, social, and alcohol problems. It's like watching " One flew over the cookoo's nest", and it is disturbing.
Very sadly, Kelly is a very insecure, immature, awkward person. She is trying to fit in but doesn't understand boundaries and when called out on her immature ways, her insecurities set in and she takes offence. Alcohol doesn't help her either. I think it's even sadder that she has spoken badly to the women about her husband yet calls him for help. She could be the problem in their marriage and her mother also who lives with them. Kelly has never grown up.
Yes, deep, deep problems that shouldn't be exploited on a reality show. She should quit and focus on what she's learned (if anything) and focus on her growing up and healing of her family. The person that I feel sorry for is their daughter Jolie. Here are her parents sad bad behavior put out there each week for all of her friends to see. I wouldn't be surprised if she's a victim in some way but you never know. Sometimes two terrible parents teach their child everything NOT to do and they go on to lead a healthy and productive life.
I not only feel sorry for Kelly's daughter but also Shannon's daughters. With mothers that screech, scream, swear and air very personal details about their lives, those girls must be getting grief at school.
This woman deserves whatever comes her way, she continually brings this ish on herself and then cries mean girls.
And then, when she was talking to Megan, she conveniently forgot to mention how SHE was the one who started it all with the stupid nose flick thing! She started telling the story only halfway through!
But I loved how Megan jumped on the "You shouldn't have gone there" bandwagon. Who cares what someone said or didn't say about your digging for financials - you do NOT bring up someone's children into the fight! I bet if the tables were turned and someone said something about Kelly's daughter (and how bad a mother she is to her), Kelly would be crying "mean girls" and boo-hooing all over the place!
I laughed when Tamra hit/pushed her! She deserved it, and so much more! Kelly is pathetic, trying to get Megan on her side when clearly, she was the one in the wrong - on ALL counts!
Kelly said "I'm tired of constantly defending myself"...Well, then stop starting sh*t up! SMH
"Could you please get your head out of your ass? It's not a hat!" - Pitch Perfect
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And then, when she was talking to Megan, she conveniently forgot to mention how SHE was the one who started it all with the stupid nose flick thing! She started telling the story only halfway through!
I'll bet 100 pizzas that she does this exact same thing when describing arguments with her husband. For instance, I'll bet before Michael said "shut up" (story she told Vicki couple episodes ago when she was crying about her marriage), she said something nasty to him.
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