MovieChat Forums > The Real Housewives of Orange County (2006) Discussion > Shannon, staying in the marriage is NOT ...

Shannon, staying in the marriage is NOT the hardest thing..IMO

Shannon said in one of her confessionals that staying in a marriage and working it through is the hardest thing to choose but she did it. (or something to that effect)

I disagree, I think it would be harder to leave, leave the house, split assets, share custody etc. So I respect her decision of staying in the marriage but I don't believe that's the hardest thing to do.. Having the courage to leave is harder. Just my opinion.


I agree with you.

Leaving takes courage.
I don't believe that her marriage can be saved,David is very unhappy with Shannon it's quite plain and vice versa.

She has no intention of divorcing but ultimately her children will suffer either way.Being the child of very unhappy parents who stayed together despite affairs on both sides,I know that living with warring parents is horrendous and has long lasting effects.

I don't think she wants to face up to the fact that what David did has wounded her very deeply and she will never let it go.

Everyone would be,eventually,happier if they split. Really difficult to start with of course.

Although there's been rain and it's coming again
Change has to be here obviously


It's got to be hard (especially for David) to fake his way through this marriage. Even with the birthday party and the sham of a vow renewal service, it seemed so forced for him. I'm sure he is staying because of money, but he should get out if he is that miserable. I kind of feel sorry for him (even though he is a douchebag) for having to deal with that woman every day.


Hard to tell what goes on within a marriage behind closed doors. It's a reality show. You see three weeks of footage--mind you, edited footage they want you to see. You're not seeing the other forty-nine weeks a year they live camera free. So, I don't know how you say he's faking the marriage. Pretty harsh judgement.

~Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable~


Every single post on this board is due to what we see, otherwise there would be no forum.  No one has ever claimed to know what happens behind closed doors.


Of course,nevertheless its obvious that the marriage is troubled,they both admitted that from the start.

Although there's been rain and it's coming again
Change has to be here obviously


Agreed. Shannon would NEVER make it on her own


I think it would be harder to stay. If someone cheats on me I am immediately packing my bags and leaving. I applaud Shannon for the courage to face the infidelity head on.


If someone cheats on me I am immediately packing my bags and leaving.

I agree. It's not even about him screwing another chick. It's about him bringing home something he didn't leave with: disease. Cheating is something you can't control. I don't have to tolerate it, but I won't try to control or micro-manage a guy about it, either. I'd have to quit my day job and frankly, I'd rather work nine to five. At least there's pay in it. Anyway, a cheat puts your life at risk and I don't think people have totally grasped that concept, especially when the lights go down and the clothes come off. SEX CAN KILL YOU. That sh*t is real. If you see a new piece and you want to try it, let me know. I will buy the rubbers for you. I will put it on for you and do a cheer while you're in the downstroke. Just don't put a gun to my head when I'm certainly not putting one to yours. Cheating takes away the only real choice a person has and that is to live.

Burn, Hollywood, Burn!- from the incomparable album Fear of a Black Planet by Public Enemy.


I hear you. A guy I knew was cheating on his wife and he had the nerve to complain that his wife wasn't having sex with him. Seriously? Total idiot.



Burn, Hollywood, Burn!- from the incomparable album Fear of a Black Planet by Public Enemy.


I would leave too if my husband or mate was a cheater. But, what if you wanted to stay, and your husband swore that he wore a condom every time?

ps no one says rubber anymore, ha ha. I get laughed at when I say that!

A simple mind is a tidy mind.


I would leave too if my husband or mate was a cheater. But, what if you wanted to stay, and your husband swore that he wore a condom every time?

ps no one says rubber anymore, ha ha. I get laughed at when I say that!

Nothing could ever make me want to stay with a cheat. I would never trust a MAN to do the right thing every single time. Men have no concept of that. Even if he did and I could confirm that he did, I wouldn't stay with him. Obviously, I'm not enough for him and so I need to find a man that I can satisfy. Besides, I don't see cheating as an isolated incident. I see cheating as a character flaw.

I like saying rubber because condom is the proper term and to me, it diminishes the seriousness of wearing them. Saying rubber is gutter and real. When folks stop dying from sex, I'll start saying condom. 

Burn, Hollywood, Burn!- from the incomparable album Fear of a Black Planet by Public Enemy.


Besides, I don't see cheating as an isolated incident. I see cheating as a character flaw.

That's exactly what it is -- a character flaw. People like to explain away cheating by saying the spouse didn't do this or didn't do that, but people who cheat will find a reason no matter whom they marry.


people who cheat will find a reason no matter whom they marry.

  

Burn, Hollywood, Burn!- from the incomparable album Fear of a Black Planet by Public Enemy.


Although I think that's true for some people, I disagree that it's true for everyone who cheats. I cheated on my spouse. I didn't plan for it to happen, and I certainly wasn't proud of it, but it happened. At the time, I justified it because he cheated on me God knows how many times, he was emotionally and physically unavailable to me, he refused to do any work on the relationship when I tried for a loooooong time to make things better and he made me feel insignificant and unimportant. Take that jumble of emotional pain, throw in some alcohol, add another person going through the same kinds of things in their a T...and it happens. I didn't feel guilty as far as his spouse was concerned because she wanted him to have someone on the side so she could run around on him...and did, A LOT. It was no secret, but in all honesty, that's really the only reason he did it. He really didn't want a relationship like that and they eventually divorced, but we were over long before that. I did feel guilty about my spouse because even if he was a jerk, I didn't enjoy hurting him. The long and short of it was that even though I understood why it happened, I did regret it, I made my amends for doing it, and I would NOT do that again. We're not together anymore, but we do remain amicable.

I think whether someone is a serial cheater has much to do with the reasons why the cheating happened. If it's that they just love the excitement of something forbidden or whatnot, it probably will happen again. But if it's a reaction to emotional pain, I think the chances are that they will not let themselves get to that place again if they learned anything. I have been with my spouse now for a long time, and our relationship is so much different than that one was. I would never, EVER want to hurt him like that, no matter what the circumstances. We respect each other and care about each other's happiness. That plus my ex was a major booze hound...this one is not....drinking isn't even part of our lives.

Anyway...just had to chime in.


Thank you, Wiggity for speaking your truth and sharing that. I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to do that. I'm also glad that you're in a healthy and happy relationship and that you and your ex have managed to salvage and maintain some civility between each other. Hating someone for their sickness or dependence is easy to do, but you chose differently. I admire you for that.

I, however, am not that admirable.

Speaking strictly for myself, I am a fight or flight kind of person. We either fight it out or I walk out. Truth be told, I'd walk out way before it ever got to the fighting portion of the evening. Dude could come home from work and everything I own would be gone and me with it. That would happen if he touched my albums or my Frosted Flakes, much less slept with someone else. I'm very in touch with myself, what I think and believe and quite realistic. I leave at the first sign of trouble. You might say, "Well, how can you build a decent relationship if you're always leaving?" Because I just plain old don't give a sh*t. There's so much else to care about in the world; so many more real and important things. Things more important than who I crawl into bed with every night or every other night, for that matter. To borrow a line from an old Meryl Streep movie, "It's not that you cheat, it's that you lie about it." Lying (cheating) takes away my choices and endangers my life. As I've said before, I can't control anyone or anything but myself and I choose to control my presence or absence in a relationship or rather, what may pass for one. Men (people) are going to do whatever they want to do. So will I.

Burn, Hollywood, Burn!- from the incomparable album Fear of a Black Planet by Public Enemy.


I agree 1000000% Staying in a *beep* marraige with a cheater is the easy way. She can delude herself all she wants thinking she's so strong learning to tolerate, I mean "forgive" his long-term affair. She's one of those women that calls the mistress and begs them to leave their husband alone. It's pathetic


I wouldn't say that. I've separated before and it was very hard . But going back was hard in a different way. I ultimately did it for my daughter, but there are pros and cons to both.


Harder to stay than leave. Leaving is the easy way out.
