
Doing an impersonation of Regina George 40 years later.


She's been slowly becoming more and more annoying to me and tonight it just went over the edge. She is disgusting and will do anything to promote her own position on the show. Not one of them do anything interesting either. It's so pointless.


Agreed. And just when I thought I couldn't think less of Vicki she manages to rally and finds whole new low to sink to. I can't stand Kelly so I hate having to stick up for her but I would've gone off on that pack of bitches as well by that point.


I don't like Kelly either - but what's wrong with these "ladies" - they attack in packs. Straight bullies. You have a problem with one - and they all jump in on you. Tamra is the same trashy person she has ever been - NO WONDER HER DAUGHTER DOES NOT TALK TO HER.



Shannon makes me cringe. And she's ageing the worst. She's a whiny, bloated, over-the-hill OCD freak who probably drove her husband to cheat because of her behavior. Her voice alone would make me flaccid if I was a man...


She gave me a good laugh tho when saying who'd want to touch the cow poop. That was precious coming from the lady who loves enemas and self colonics.


Not that he doesn't deserve it, but can you imagine what Shannon puts David through now that she knows he had an affair. I bet he wants to bolt big time. He should grow a pair and just leave.


I think David would have left Shannon a long time ago.


Jenniferanne..i saw your mis-post at the toddlers and tiaras board. Funny to see that you go over to that board too. These shows, too much!


I know! Lol. I couldn't find a way to remove it so I just apologized.


Yea....they talk about Kelly being crazy....apparently nobody remembers what a looney Shannon was (and still is). I think she ringleads on the hate bus the most because she doesn't want to get back to that place. And, personally, I don't think Kelly is crazy. I think she can't handle her liquor very well. She gets a little booze in her and loses the ability to hold it together. But who can blame her for getting ticked off at these phony mean girls? I might not say the things she's said, but I would probably go off on them, too. If I were her, I would have either left and gone home or stayed by done my own thing in Ireland. I definitely wouldn't have hung out with them anymore. Who wants to subject themselves to that kind of treatment?

I think Shannon was despicable in how she kept trying to force the booze on Kelly. What a jerk. And b.s. to Heather for trying to say that wasn't how it was. Give me a break, Dubrow. We have eyes. There's a reason David's mother doesn't like her.

Tamara is just trailer trash that found a way to get a little fame and money. She is just such a troublemaker. That little Jesusy act is just act.
