Please Stop Traveling Abroad

These women are an embarrassment to all Americans wherever they go. Their ignorance, social retardation, drunkenness, loud and foul mouths, and entitled behavior are astonishing. Why couldn't they have been beaten, robbed, and imprisoned for years in Ireland to spare the US their shameful behavior? Someone needs to suggest their next trip is to Mosul.


Hopefully they go to the Congo next season. Or even better, Iraq. The American ladies in Iraq. Even the Jewish one with a sense of humor.


We all know it's for the show and ordered by Bravo, but I always wonder why these women--who hate each other--are constantly throwing parties and going on vacations with each other.




They should do a tour of where they all came from.


They should do a tour of where they all came from.

Hell would not welcome them.


*rim shot*


As bad as the OC ladies can be I still think the NY ladies take the cake for worst travelers. Really anyone affiliated with Bravo should never be allowed to travel.


NY are the worst travelers and the worst eaters. Just about every one of them chews with their mouths wide open. Dorinda and Ramona are the worst offenders. I've never seen so much "see" food in my life.


Well, you certainly reminded me of my comments from May on the RHONY board - but the same principle applies:

Fallujah, and if that doesn't work out maybe Mogadishu.

California Über Alles
