Terrible! No redeeming cast member!!

Wow. I cannot believe this last episode. All of these woman are terrible. I was such a huge Shannon fan before. I feel personally offended by her forcing alcohol on Kelly. It was beyond obvious and dubious. Heather's words to Kelly were completely eye opening and telling of her true personality. Vicki is a liar and perpetual victim and Tamra is a complete psychopath. Kelly has serious issues!


I agree. I don't like any of them. Everything they have in life yet they are all so ignorant. I think Shannon is still holding a grudge about Kelly calling her the "c" word which is fine if that's how she wants to be, but don't ever, ever force alcohol on a person who you know has a drinking problem. Call them a name if you want to, ignore them, talk about them behind their back, whatever stupid thing you want to do, but don't force alcohol on a person that should not be drinking. That offends me personally as well because I have alcoholics in my family and I've seen the damage it does.


Agreed that it is vile. You don't wreck ppl for your amusement. You find amusements with them that don't involve hurting other ppl.
