MovieChat Forums > The Real Housewives of Orange County (2006) Discussion > Kelly needs to stop going for the jugula...

Kelly needs to stop going for the jugular all the time

Tamra's daughter.....Shannon's chin hair.....I know I'm forgetting some doozies.

It makes everyone hate her so much that they just want to make her pay. She becomes an unbearable, raving, blubbering idiot and goes after the most sensitive, hurtful thing that she possibly can find about the other person in her moment of anger, she has zero restraint. It's horrible. The other ladies' behavior was ick, for sure. But Kelly inspires that level of hate in people by the way she goes so low and so deep in her insults.

She needs to learn to hold back in a big way. Maybe the pain of being excluded will help her examine her own outbursts and behavior because this seems to be leading to the end of her marriage and the end of many friendships.


I agree that Kelly needs to show some restraint, but that doesn't mean that she's worse than these other women. They're the ones that provoke it and then act like they're innocent little angels. Baloney. They bait her and act like they're better than her, but they're really not. They're bullies.


The women should be ashamed of how they bullied and ostracized someone who had apologized and seemed to be making a sincere effort to behave better.

But Kelly does frequently act like an immature, volatile, raving lunatic in a way that none of these other women do. Vicki comes close to Kelly's level of annoying sometimes, but Kelly's tactlessness, airheadedness, shrieking, and low, low insults really take the cake. She's much worse than the other women, I'd say.

But yes, the women acted very poorly this last episode and I did feel bad for what Kelly had to endure.


Yea, she does go for the juggler, but I can't say as though I blame her. And at least she has a valid excuse...each time it has been under the influence, while they seem to be able to be quite horrible with or without alcohol.


When someone says sorry and then continues to do the same thing over and over again how sorry can they be? I dont think Kelly has at all shown she is making a sincere effort to behave better. People get mad at her and then she cries and says sorry and then soon after does the same thing again.

Do I think Shannon has it out for her? Yes, but that doesnt mean I give Kelly a pass. If someone was trying to push drinks on me I would have been polite and said no which up to a point I felt Kelly did and then if they kept pushing I would have just let the drinks sit there and drank water. I am an adult and barring holding me down and forcing me no one can make me do anything I dont want to do. If I feel someone is baiting me I wont play into their hand. At a certain point, regardless of what someone else is saying or doing, how you react is on you and you have to take responsibility. Shannon is 100% responsible for trying to start something and push drinks but Kelly is 100% responsible for drinking and anything she did after. If someone convinces you to do something, you are still responsible as an adult for any consequences.


Yessss, I agree with what you write. Shannon is totally awful for doing what she did, but Kelly is also horrible. There is not right side or wrong side in this - both sides are wrong and wildly inappropriate in different ways.


I agree. She shouldn't have drank it. That was just playing into their hands. I would imagine that she was just so miserable on that trip by that point that it was all she could do to even sit there. If it had been me, I would have left Ireland...actually, I probably would have stayed but would have gone and done things on my own. Ordered room service. There is no way I would have stuck around them to be treated crappy all over again. I wouldn't have cared what they did with their days or nights there. You can't keep trying to be part of a group that is ganging up on you. And when they sent that text from the bar, I would have ignored it and laughed at their ridiculousness. They go go high.


I disagree about going for the jugular. If you can dish it out you should be able to take it - regardless if you have to go THERE or not. These ladies are vicious and have been vicious throughout the course of this series - why hold back and spare their feelings?

I believe all is fair especially with people like these who are phony to the core. They do this every season with the new girl and get off on bullying - they did it with Gretchen, Alexis, Shannon, and a bunch of other new girls who I don't remember at the moment.

I'm sure Kelly has watched the show - and knows how they operate. If they don't like people opening up their closets and throwing out their skeletons then maybe they will stop and think twice before picking her - or any other new girl that comes onto the show.

You cross the right one on the wrong day - and it is what it is. I hope she goes for the jugular each and everytime and so these witches get as good as they have gave.



A lot of this is 2nd hand drama propagated by middle-aged adolescents who can't keep their mouths shut! They have to repeat absolutely everything they hear to create storylines! They just look foolish; esp. Shannon who should know how it feels to be treated like that! If she's being coached to act like this, she should rehearse it earlier! Pushing the booze should have gotten it thrown in her face! 

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That would have been entertaining and it wouldn't have stained her clothes lol!! Last I saw that was (I think) the RHOBH fight between Lisa Rinna and Kim Richards...same drama different housewives!


I think Kelly is awful but I'm always shocked that people don't make the same comments about Tamra. They have a lot of the same flaws but Tamra seems to get a pass from everyone on the show. I think Kelly is an angry alcoholic and being on the show is going to make her worse. They need to recast this whole show because none of them are likable.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


like kelly said. if you can dish, you should be able to take it. that works both ways. I don't condone what shannon did but kelly is not some victim in all of this. like you posted, she brings out the worst in people with her outbursts.

White lightening+Black Hammer


SHE brings out the worst in THEM? No. She may bring out the worst in herself, but they bring out the worst in their own damn selves.'s THEIR behavior that incites it. They made such a big deal about her doing that nose flipping. I mean, Jesus. Who cares? She was being silly and obnoxious under the influence. They didn't need to make THAT big of a deal out of it. Tamara was the worst of all, and she didn't even do it to her. Jesus goes right out the window when it suits her. She's the one on this show that's got it coming to her. Every season....she stirs up trouble, gossips like the best of them, treats people disrespectfully and mean and then acts like she's an innocent little schoolgirl. She betrays people's confidences ALL the time. She's usually drinking as much as everybody else. I was starting to think maybe she had changed, but not so much. Kelly is supposed to change, but she can go on with her crappy behavior...even after she was "saved"? Typical born again. All fluff and words....very little real change. Yuck.


I don't like Kelly, actually I don't like any of these women, but when they are trying to get someone who clearly has a drinking problem to drink, that crosses a line.


Kelly seems to have very little control over her reactions. She lashes out verbally with the most damaging thing that pops into her head. Like a child would.
Seems those anger management classes she was forced to attend didn't do much good.


True. I think she needs treatment, because I really sense that drinking is her biggest issue.


She lashes out verbally with the most damaging thing that pops into her head. Like a child would.

Like telling Shannon to shave her hairy chin? LOL. That comment came out of nowhere and it is something a child would say, but I have to admit it made me laugh. I wonder if Shannon immediately went to get that taken care of.


As soon as she got back home to make an appointment; "laser hair removal, STAT!"

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I also have to agree with Heather that she's a broken record. She goes low blow and then she apologize that she didn't mean it and she said it out of anger.

That excuse worked the first time. Second, third, fourth...not so much. Calling you out on the bullsh*t apology Kelly. It ain't working.

Oh, and stop it with the mean girls comment. "These girls are mean". Really? Coming from a woman who calls another woman a c*unt. Who's mean?


So true, Nubyan!! After the way Kelly has behaved and the things she has said, she deserves all the wrath of the others.
Seriously, who calls another woman a *beep* let alone on national television?!?!


Kelly's completely repulsive ... for everybody leaping to her defense, would any of you have this woman in your presence? If so I'm dubious you're telling the truth ...

In "real life" after any one of her episodes, Kelly would be crossed off the list and I'd literally never see her again ... I've even done that with some relatives. (There would be no scene - just "never again.") I imagine many here would do the same ...

Of course it's not "real life" and these "women" (more like stunted children) are forced to interact with each other ... thus the absurd, juvenile and disgusting lengths they all go to. For the record, I don't like any of them, nor can I defend their behavior. With that being said, please cut the crap with these pro-Kelly posts people are putting up here ... I've been through AA myself and the "alcoholic" argument is a lame excuse. Kelly's the absolute worst and doesn't even pass the basic piss test for someone you're willing to just have standing next to you ...

California Über Alles
