Kelly finally posted her Bravo Blog and I think she made a lot of sense and brought up some good points. I also liked how she tore into Heather for her hypocrisy and "I'm better than you" mentality. My favorite part though was when she said this.
"Finally Heather has the audacity to question my mental health? She calls me insane and says she thinks I am having a psychotic breakdown. Why, because I defend myself from this group who schemed against me? The last time I checked having a drama degree doesn’t qualify you to psychoanalyze anyone. You are a worse shrink than you are an actor."
The dig about her being a bad actress made me lol. Heather acts like she's Meryl Streep or no you have had a few guest spots on some sitcoms relax.
I've been read all the posts and it's nice that someone can finally post a neutral post about Kelly.
Almost from the beginning, Kelly's behavior has disgusted me and I was for whoever was her target but after watching this episode, for the first I'm actually in agreement in almost everything she wrote in her blog.
Expecting Tamra to forgive her quickly after what she said about her daughter and keep pointing out that Tamra hit her; Kelly should have just apologized and then given Tamra some breathing space, yes Tamra shouldn't have hit her but she lost the moral high ground when Kelly brought up Tamra's daughter.
Kelly saying that Shannon was trying to set up her up with the tequila drinks, I actually do agree with her on that one, though I do think Tamra did give her the idea to do that to Kelly. When someone says no to alcohol, you don't keep ordering drinks for them, you respect their wishes. Yes, the drinks are put in front of you and you don't have to pour down your throat but still, it's rude to completely disregards someone's wishes. Had I been in Kelly's place, I just would have emptied the (cocktail) glasses on the ground or better yet, into the glass of the person whose not respecting my wishes.
As for what happened later on in the night, Icky Vicki is to blame for all that. I have never like Vicki; from the beginning of the series, and all years since she has just deepen my dislike and distrust of her from the way she's acted. After mending her relations with Tamra, Heather, Shannon and Megan (which only happened because of the way SHE's acted, no one else is to blame but her), she decides to throw Kelly under the bus so that the girls have a target other than her. I don't believe Kelly was talking badly about Tamra to Vicki, I think Vicki made that up to stir up *beep* and then tried run away and leave Kelly with the fallout. I really don't understand why Kelly has remained friends with her. Vicki wasn't there to back her up and she lied to Tamra about what Kelly had said. If I was in Kelly's shoes, I'd cut Vicki out of my life; no excuses.
That said, Heather really is a huge hypocrite. I've tried to keep liking Heather despite the stuff she's done because she does bring something different to the series but enough is enough. She joins in the ganging up on a chosen person and then claims the moral high ground. Really? She's almost as dislikable as Icky Vicki who I really do think, regardless of any sort of contract Bravo has with her, should be kick off the show. If there's any sort of viciousness going on, I think Vicki started it and is in the thick of it.
You make some good points. I'm not sure if you read the other blogs as well but Tamra basically agreed with your assertion in regard to Vicki. She stated she thinks Vicki lied about Kelly talking about her in order to start drama and take any heat off of her. Which is a pretty low-down and dirty move when Kelly is the only person who's stood by and been there for Vicki this entire season. Which Tamra also brought up as well that she felt Vicki was throwing Kelly under the bus.
So I finally read it and there are and it doesnt sound anything like the way Kelly speaks and contains more than a few words I doubt Kelly knows the meaning of.
A ghostwriter, maybe? It's hard to tell with these reality TV show people sometimes. Maybe she just acts that way for the camera, and she's smarter than we think?