MovieChat Forums > The Real Housewives of Orange County (2006) Discussion > I'm horrified, not entertained and it le...

I'm horrified, not entertained and it leaves me confused

I don't know if I want to watch after this. Part of me hopes it will be interesting like it once was but tonight was disgusting to the core. Pushing alcohol on Kelly in what was clearly a conspiracy to at fuel to the fire and get her thrown off the show was disgusting and manipulative. I can never look at those women the same again. Although Kelly shoots her mouth off recklessly, she does sincerely apologize and not one of them ever did that, not once. Their apologies are always hollow and full of justification. Clearly Tamra wants the drama to continue and didn't want to let Kelly shut it down with an apology. How disgusting to watch people behave this way.

I keep asking myself this as I shut down watching franchise after franchise, what makes this worth my time? I just don't have an answer anymore. I don't care what happens to any of them and show lacks direction and has become pointless, bitter and mean.


I'm so over Shannon! If this blows up in her face and she gets her feelings hurt, all the better! I was already over the other mean girls, Heather and Tamra! The wicked witches of the west were flying around on their brooms on the bus! Did you see that pic of Heather without the makeup and lighting; poor thing could have been in the opening scenes of Mac Beth stirring her cauldron with her sisters with no touchups! 

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I thought the same thing.


I was already over the other mean girls, Heather and Tamra! The wicked witches of the west were flying around on their brooms on the bus! Did you see that pic of Heather without the makeup and lighting; poor thing could have been in the opening scenes of Mac Beth stirring her cauldron with her sisters with no touchups!

I really can't stand Heather - she IS EVIL. I so need someone to be cast who will put this witch in her place. She inserts herself into everything and acts like she was slighted when shes not reinvent to any conflict. I really wish they would get rid of her.



It was really fked up to see her push booze on Kelly obviously not to relax her but to see her say stupid sh(t again so they could all gang up again. They can all go to hell afaic.


Anyone who pushes alcohol like that is just evil.


I know teenagers who don't try to pressure friends into drinking. These old whores need to grow the hell up.


While I do agree with most of what you said I will say this....someone can order me as many drinks and shots as they want, but if I don't want to drink them I'm not going to.

It's not like they poured the drinks down Kelly's throat for her....she drank them on her own.


So then Shannon can kvetch about Kelly not accepting her peace offering? "Well I tried and you see how she treated me?"

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They know she has a problem with alcohol and it was probably killing her not to drink so to push it like that was mean.


I also find it gross they were trying to record her when with their phone while they were arguing with her. Like what was that about? Seemed very calculated and juvenile like hehehe she's a drunk crazy mess got to record this to show people hehe!


Shannon pushing that alcohol on Kelly like that. Plus asking the waiter to make it a double.... who she think she is? Bill Cosby?


Horrible. Just disgusting.




That, I believe, was Heather videoing her with her phone. As evidence against her.


Shannon, Kelly and Vicki are very manipulative and constant victims. It is like they are all competing to see who can be the most horrible person. I wish they would fire everyone except for Heather. I could live with keeping Meghan too, her worst crime is being boring.


Shannon, Kelly and Vicki are very manipulative and constant victims.

maybe not shannon so much, but the other two yes. I don't feel bad for Kelly. this is the same woman who boasted about shannon's husband cheating while at a party.

White lightening+Black Hammer


No offense, but are you kidding me? SHANNON isn't manipulative and a constant victim? Are we watching the same show? What do you think she was being when she ran to Tamra with Kelly's comment...which anybody could see was said out of anger and hurt...or when she was pushing alcohol on Kelly...or the entire season devoted to the affair her husband had on her? In all reality, Kelly actually IS a victim...of being ganged up on. That doesn't excuse her losing it and saying things she shouldn't, but she is definitely a victim of some pretty hateful bullying. So, really, I don't feel sorry for anyone for any of the things she's said. Shannon IS guilty of some pretty kunty behavior. And, really, it must be pretty serious for a daughter to not talk to her mother. We don't know the story. I don't anyway. But it's unnatural for a daughter to not want to have anything to do with her mother, so there has to be something there. I don't think Kelly should have said it, but she didn't say it TO Tamra. Shannon did. That's pretty manipulative. She did it to cause drama.

But the most manipulative person on the show is Tamra herself. Relentless.


Shannon has been nothing but a victim, both last season and this season. First it was "poor me, my husband cheated" and now it is "poor me, Vicki betrayed me" or "poor me, my mother in law's mean" or "poor me, Kelly called me a name."

And it's amazing that Tamra, the so-called Christian, is all of a sudden a great person who's never done or said anything bad about anyone. Tamra has gone after plenty of people on this show before, she should have expected someone to throw something like her poor relationship with her daughter back in her face. If she really wanted to fix things with her daughter, perhaps she should stop bashing her children's father on TV, especially since they've been divorced for years now.


Shannon claims she's so smart, and scored perfectly on her Spanish exams blah, blah. Did she not remember she was wearing a microphone or did she just not even care??

I don't even care if Shannon gets her feelings hurt if this blows up in her face. In fact, all the better. Then she can stomp around and say in her shrill tone, "Are you kidding me?? I'm done!"


I agree, lately I have been thinking just how pathetic all the Housewives shows have gotten, and I guess by extension, how pathetic I am for watching them!!

I find Tamra, Shannon and Heather to just be silly cows. They have made fools of themselves, but for the most part, I feel indifferent towards them.

Vicki and Kelly, are far more offensive to me, for obviously different reasons. I will never again look at Vicki in a positive light, after she made a mockery out of cancer.

Kelly is unpleasant to watch, like driving past a car accident. I suspect she has serious, legitimate problems, and I find no joy in using them for entertainment value.


The good thing that is coming out of this awful episode is that those bitches, Shannon, Heather and Tamra are getting horrible backlash from it. Yippee!!!!
