I'm horrified, not entertained and it leaves me confused
I don't know if I want to watch after this. Part of me hopes it will be interesting like it once was but tonight was disgusting to the core. Pushing alcohol on Kelly in what was clearly a conspiracy to at fuel to the fire and get her thrown off the show was disgusting and manipulative. I can never look at those women the same again. Although Kelly shoots her mouth off recklessly, she does sincerely apologize and not one of them ever did that, not once. Their apologies are always hollow and full of justification. Clearly Tamra wants the drama to continue and didn't want to let Kelly shut it down with an apology. How disgusting to watch people behave this way.
I keep asking myself this as I shut down watching franchise after franchise, what makes this worth my time? I just don't have an answer anymore. I don't care what happens to any of them and show lacks direction and has become pointless, bitter and mean.