my fav mean-girl tactic
These women have it down but certainly the best part is when they sling insult after insult at Kelly and then when she throws one back they all gasp. It's so sick. And Vicki over there saying pathetic.
shareThese women have it down but certainly the best part is when they sling insult after insult at Kelly and then when she throws one back they all gasp. It's so sick. And Vicki over there saying pathetic.
shareI feel no sympathy for a woman that called another woman a *beep* at the dinner table. All the women on this show have behaved badly and embarrassed themselves at times but Kelly is an entirely different animal.
shareWhen they throw it at Kelly, it's because she had it coming. They are simply reacting to Kelly's no class gutter mouth.
She was insulting from the first time she met Shannon. Insulting, inappropriate and quite juvenile.
I don't think you can categorize words meant to hurt into "acceptable" and "unacceptable" both sides are guilty of bad behavior these women just only acknowledge that Kelly is.
shareNot exactly accurate. Kelly just happens to be the one getting all the attention at the moment because she's the one acting a fool and putting her foot in her mouth the most.
Currently, it's her turn to be under the spotlight. As soon as she STFU the women will move on to someone else willing to be in that coveted spot.
I have a hard time feeling sorry for Kelly. As hard as it is to watch 50 year old women act like a pack of mean girls, Heather was right. Kelly thinks she can act however she wants and as long as she feigns some apology, everything should be fine. I don't blame the girls for being tired of her antics.