What no one seems to realize is....

once all the women said they don't like the nose flicking thing this ALL could have been avoided if Kelly just apologized and said she'll stop....and NONE of this would have happened.

Instead she went on a rampage about them not having a sense of humor, being too insensitive and insulting parenting skills. They were all having a great time up until that point.

I don't know a single person over the age of 4 who finds that nose flicking thing funny. And her excuse was "well I do it to my daughter"....your daughter is 10. What she finds fun is a little different than what 40 and 50 years find fun. I'm sure she still finds playing tag fun at recess....would you enjoy if Vicki during your little picnic starting playing duck-duck-goose?

I know I'm clearly in the minority here, but I have no sympathy for Kelly. I don't by any of her past apologies either. How many times are you going to completely go ape sh*t and insult other people, call them names and then 20 minutes later say...oh i'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I really didn't.

Give me a break.


It doesn't matter what Kelly said or did the day before, what Tamra, Heather and Shannon did, was just as wrong. 2 wrongs don't make a right, they can't sit there an act as though they are perfect and Kelly is so horrible, when last night they were horrible. They can deny it all they want, but everyone knows they were all out to get Kelly drunk and riled up. From what I've seen on this board is that most posters dont like Kelly's behavior in the past either but what happened last night was wrong on the other ladies part.


I'm not saying 2 wrongs make a right. I just don't know if the other women would have been as vicious as they were if Kelly wouldn't have been as vicious as she was the night before. Clearly anger was still running strong....and it is mostly from the parenting comment.

If that 1 comment wouldn't have been said I think the anger and rage would have been significantly less and they would have been able to sweep a little of it under the rug and at least try to be civilized.

The minute you start to attack kids and parenting skills all bets are off the table.

I also think that fight at the bar and following afterwards was a boiling point for some of the women regarding Kelly and they are just over her and her sh*t.


But yet in the van Heather brings up Kelly's child. I understand what happened the night before, but there was no reason for them to purposely try to get her drunk knowing that when she drinks she says the first thing that comes to her mouth. The secondly Kelly was in her room sleeping when Tamra starts her crap. Those 3 woman were on a witch hunt, its not the first time Tamra has tried to get someone drunk like that.

If they were still as bitter about the day before then they should have just avoided her altogether.


I know I'm clearly in the minority here, but I have no sympathy for Kelly.

Add me to that minority.

2 wrongs don't make a right

No, but it damn sure makes it even.

Burn, Hollywood, Burn!- from the incomparable album Fear of a Black Planet by Public Enemy.


I dont have any sympathy for her either. I do think Shannon was trying to start drama but that didnt mean Kelly had to go along with it. I also think no one should be forgiving Kelly anymore. Kelly rants and says horrible things and then people get pissed and she thinks she can just say sorry and then people have to forgive her until the next time she does it and it starts all over again. You cant just say and do whatever you want in life without consequences and play the victim when someone comes along and gives you a taste of your own medicine. Kelly better watch out about thinking its funny that Tamra's daughter doesnt talk to her because in a few yrs she might be in the same boat. Honestly I think Kelly is more of an embarrassment than Tamra.


I am in the minority as well. kelly should be lucky she isn't on rhoa. they would have eaten her alive from jump. you don't call out a person's marital issues at a party, call someone a c-you-next-Tuesday, and talk about a person's child without any consequence. it seems as if 'mean girls' is getting thrown around as easilyy as the word 'bully'. each of these women have tried with kelly only to be met with her immature drunken tangents. tbh I have heard worse things about kelly from posters on this board and we are just the viewers. people continuously look down on kelly's bahavior, parenting, etc. on this board due to her actions on the show. I could only imagine how annoying it must be to have to socialize with this lush.

White lightening+Black Hammer


Let's be real for a minute, shall we? Tamra is not perfect and is a total embarrassment at times. I must have missed the part where Kelly insulted Tamra's parenting when all she said was; "NO WONDER HER DAUGHTER DOESN'T TALK TO HER". People need to stop saying Kelly said something about her daughter. It was more of a dig towards Tamra as a person than her daughter. Truth *beep* hurts. AND let us not forget Tamra acted like a tough bitch and started spewing secrets. Tamra asked for it. She's been stirring the pot all season long.

Let's not pretend Kelly is the only one at fault when they're all bitches and played a role in this drama. Shannon sets Kelly up, she knows Kelly has a drinking problem and kept pushing alcohol on her. Shannon is a *beep* liar. She acts like she's innocent of any wrong doing and Kelly is the psycho. Shannon provoked Kelly.

There is a pattern with Tamra - she stirs the pot, plays both sides and pretends she's just an "innocent victim". She perpetuates the BS. Vicki is supposed to be an adult - instead of running to Tamra, she should have said something to Kelly and not brought Tamra into it.

I refuse to hold Kelly to a higher standard when Tamra, Shannon, Heather, and Vicki are all notorious for being complete bitches to the new girl. They provoked Kelly for a reaction and act like victims when she reaches her boiling point. They are just as foul-mouthed as Kelly and yet grab their pearls when Kelly said something. *beep* them.

Move along: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XleOkGsYgO8


OMG thank you!!! Best post ever!! 👏👏👏👏👏

If all the other ladies were so so perfect and hen did anything wrong I could see them passing judgement on her, but they aren't and they have done some pretty nasty things before! I might not care for some of the things Kelly says but at least you know how she is. These other ladies try to stand on some moral high ground when they have no room to talk. I really have tried to give Tamra the benefit of the doubt and think she's changed but she's just the same, she just uses "Jesus" to hid behind.


If the ladies did have high moral standards and good etiquette, they would have let Kelly's BS roll off their backs. Hell, if Tamra is trying to be a better person she should have excepted Kelly's apology and enjoyed Ireland while they were there.

I was upset with Vicki for being a hypocrite but now all of them are hypocrites. Like you said earlier two wrongs do not make a right. 


COMPLETELY agree with you! Let's just look at it....the first time she got angry...that party...Kelly was ambushed by that woman who Shannon invited to the party. You just KNOW that she knew what was going to go down. Then there was the dinner....after she had been told that the other skanky, porn-star-looking idiot had suggested that Kelly performed sex acts for money...and Shannon again acted like Miss Innocent. Then the scene in the bar. They all came at her. I think she had every right to tell Tamra to bugger off...it wasn't her battle to fight for Vicki. And, clealy, Kelly was tipsy and just being silly and obnoxious. I don't think she was trying to be mean to anyone. Would I have been annoyed? Probably. But I would not have acted like she was horrible for it. I mean, duh, she was drinking and being silly. What happened to just taking her aside and explaining to her that it's annoying and asking her to stop? No....they come at her like she did the worse thing ever.

I really don't understand why Tamra always gets a pass. Does she intimidate them? She is such a troublemaker, and yet never gets them ganging up on her. And my God....that scene in the van with the fake hyperventilating. What the hell was that? Do none of these women ever feel any embarrassment about the way they behave on national television? Please. Just like when Heather was fake crying earlier in the season. Who the hell acts like that? So ridiculous. Grown women. I would be mortified if that were me. Just mortified.

I think all of these women are just vacuous. I really don't even see how Vicki, a career woman, is involved with these twits. What the hell do any of them do, anyway? Tamra has a gym. Big deal. They're probably a dime a dozen out there. Shannon doesn't seem to do anything. Heather does some stuff, but I think it's primarily her husband that brings in the money. Meghan does nothing. And Kelly doesn't really do anything, either. Vicki is the only one on the show that is successful in her own right. You'd think she'd want to associate with other women that actually use their brains and do something.


...Vacuous? ...

Well we are talking about California! Appearance is the most important, a hot car since public transportation stinks, and gossip leads the news! 

- - http://www.childrenofrassilon.com/fiero425.html - - homepage


Fiero, one can see you don't know a lot about CA or the people who live here.
Careful you don't break your arm, lifting that huge brush with which you paint everyone.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


Lived out there for 12 years! I was a No Cal so artificial intelligence not needed to do everyday chores! So Cal's another place; visiting was an experience each time, but it has been YEARS! A friend would turn on the TV first thing to check "the tide" of all things! He didn't have a boat, but that concerned him and he needed to know how high and what time it occurred! Hollywood gossip started the telecast before mentions of shootings, fires, or earthquakes! lol! 

- - http://www.childrenofrassilon.com/fiero425.html - - homepage


Funny, I have lived here a LOT longer than twelve years and not once have any of my friends nor have I been in need of artificial intelligence. I would suggest to you there are really no more unusual folks in southern CA than any other state. There are shootings, fires and earthquakes in other states as well. Perhaps your friend and you didn't realize the TV was tuned to the Entertainment channel, which broadcasts Hollywood gossip in other states in addition to CA, However, they don't report 24-hour earthquakes. That is a silly fear held by some folks, not from CA.

We don't all drive convertibles, spend our days in our guitar-shaped pools and have palm trees in the back seats of our cars. Nor do we live on fast food, all date movie stars and find ourselves dripping in diamonds. The last earthquake I actually felt was in 1984 and I live in central CA. Not everyone surfs. We don't all run around with little kickin' dogs in our purses and not even half of us have had plastic surgery.

There is a lot going on here other than the silliness you mention. That garbage is perpetuated by folks like you who make up silly stories and it is believed by no one. Nice to know in 12 years you met everyone in CA and found them all to be Hollywood clones. Lol.


I wouldn't brag about being that knowledgeable being from Central Cal babe! Anytime someone called asking about performing an assignment in Modesto, Fresno, or any other 1 of those deserted "cowtowns," I told them "NO THANKS!" You really need to actually be in So Cal to understand what I was talking about! It was all true when I was out there; and it wasn't an entertainment program that started their news with Hollywood gossip and tide levels! Pools and the wasting of water is all true! I still remember an article stating there were "too many pools, & too many flushes!" Heaven knows every complex I lived out there had a gym, pool, and suggestions in "cleansing!"

- - http://www.childrenofrassilon.com/fiero425.html - - homepage


Yuck, I am not your babe and kindly don't address me as such. Modesto and Fresno are not "cow towns", nor are they deserted or deserts. What on earth are you smoking? It is easy to see your reading comprehension is poor. I was not "bragging" about living in southern CA. I mentioned that fact because of the earthquake comment.

Most of my family lives in southern CA, so I know whereof I speak. The weather is the reason there are so many swimming pools. The reason for the conservation of water stems from the 5 year drought we have been experiencing, an act of God or Nature, but surely not the fault of one of the caricatures you describe.

My goodness you "read an article" and now you are an expert on the CA water situation. Add the article to the twelve years you lived here and that makes you an expert on CA as well!

I have no idea what you mean by "cleansing" unless you mean colonic and I suggest you might need one. Of course the apartment complexes have swimming pools. You wrote yourself that YOU lived in those complexes. You are full of bologna and you know nothing about CA, north or south.

"Deserted cow towns". Here is how little you know about CA. This state holds some of the richest land and highest quality agriculture producing soil in the world. It would be almost impossible for a person living in the USA to get through a day without eating food produced in CA. Wear cotton? Where do you think most of the cotton milled in the USA is grown? In CA. BY the way, we also export it, we don't import it.

You learned little to nothing during your time in CA. You are sure no expert. Perhaps you should read another article.

It just dawned on ne, by your NAME, I realize you are a known troll on IMDB.


Modesto and Fresno are not "cow towns", nor are they deserted or deserts.

Are you kidding, Darla? I live in California - LA area to be exact and as such I cannot with good conscience allow you to mislead these posters as if you're an expert on Cali.

You drive up north to San Luis, Tulare, or Fresno and you can expect to see rolling hills and green (now brown) grass - ideal for cattle grazing - orange groves or dairy farms.

California is home to more than 1400 dairy farms. That be a lot of cows....Livestock and poultry were valued at $1 Billion in 2015 just in Tulare alone. Tulare County Top Crop for 2015 was milk at $1.7 Billion, cattle at $941 million, oranges at $819 million, grapes at $643 million, almonds at $322 million, etc.

Fresno county has 39475 cattle and 109,195 animals used for diary products, as of 2012. Kern County has 39475 cattle and 128,302 dairy animals. Imperial County has 340,548 cattle along with 2188 dairy animals. How can you say they're not "cow towns"? "Cow towns" disrespectfully refer to cattle towns which were small frontier settlements whose entrepreneurial existence depended heavily on the trade in free-range cattle. California was ideal cattle country in the 1800s (and still is) because of the endless miles of green grass and rolling hills.

California is the nation's major leader in dairy products, next to Wisconsin. "Happy Cows" ring any bells? Crystal Creamery in Modesto ring any bells?

Does the Bill preventing "cow farts" ring any bells?


You can't make this *beep* up!

Here's something else:

California produces one out of every five glasses of milk consumed in the nation. The dairy industry continues to grow at an astonishing rate with milk production increasing 1 percent from 2002 to 2003. It follows then, that California also has some of the largest dairies in the country with more than 700 cows on average, while the U.S. average is less than 100. In 2003, the average milk production per cow in California was 20,993 pounds, which is 12 percent higher than the national average.


Move along: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XleOkGsYgO8


The previous poster is writing "cow towns" as an insult, not actual fact. I am well aware of the dairy business in CA. Not kidding or trying to mislead anyone. Where I live "goat roper" and "cow town" are used to describe towns where only hicks, unsophisticated people, live, and that is what I was addressing. I never wrote one word rejecting the dairy business or cows in CA. You did all that work for naught. You took personally a subject I never mentioned. What a stupid thing to write, that you "cannot allow folks to think I am an expert on CA". Who the he11 cares what you want to allow? You just copied and pasted a bunch of info about a subject I never mentioned. I am pretty sure no one reading posts on IMDB are seeking expert advice from me, or from you, for that matter. Just in case, to all you readers, I never meant to mislead anyone by failing to mention the exact cow count in CA, nor the glasses of milk per day they produce. Let's not talk about the number of McDonald's burgers are shipped out of CA, past the green rolling hills.

My previous post was never meant to be a scholarly treatise on how many acres are trod upon by our hooved friends, the dairy cows. Please do not come for me with any spurious lawsuits!

Here goes another nut case proselytizing what they "know" from the Internet. By the way I live north of you and I am certain I am well-up on the farming, dairy, cattle and agricultural status of CA. Yes folks, we have lots of cow patties here in CA!
Hey all you folks out there, CA has cows and American Reject just schooled all of us. We have carrots here too. Want to go off on them? I never mentioned them by name.

I never wrote I am an expert on anything, but you sure went after me. I have noticed you tend to name yourself mayor of IMDB. This is supposed to be fun here, not prison.

Cool your jets. You missed my point completely.



I never wrote one word rejecting the dairy business or cows in CA.

Ok, Darla. 

You took personally a subject I never mentioned.

That's rich coming from someone who took the term "cow towns" as an insult and then went as far as putting them on ignore after accusing them of being a troll.

Who's taking things personally? I was trying to have a conversation with you and you turned it into an attack. Lighten up.

My previous post was never meant to be a scholarly treatise on how many acres are trod upon by our hooved friends, the dairy cows. Please do not come for me with any spurious lawsuits!

Wow, you're condescending, but sure, Darla. 

What a stupid thing to write, that you "cannot allow folks to think I am an expert on CA". Who the he11 cares what you want to allow? You just copied and pasted a bunch of info about a subject I never mentioned.

Not stupid - a bit dramatic, but no way was it "stupid". You claimed Fresno and Modesto are NOT cow towns which totally supports my "schooling" you on California's #1 export. And no, I did not "copy and paste". Those were my own words from actual research.

Here goes another nut case proselytizing what they "know" from the Internet. By the way I live north of you and I am certain I am well-up on the farming, dairy, cattle and agricultural status of CA. Yes folks, we have lots of cow patties here in CA!
Hey all you folks out there, CA has cows and American Reject just schooled all of us. We have carrots here too. Want to go off on them? I never mentioned them by name.

I never wrote I am an expert on anything, but you sure went after me. I have noticed you tend to name yourself mayor of IMDB. This is supposed to be fun here, not prison.

Cool your jets. You missed my point completely.

Gee, I'm so confused. Who's going after who?

And no, I didn't miss your point - as if you have one.

With all due respect, do not talk to me about playing "Mayor of IMDb" ***- yes, I saw that and you actually have the nerve to accuse me of going "after you" - Ms "You should be ashamed". You're a grammar and spelling nazi, but that's ok because you're the one playing board monitor, right?

Got hypocrisy? Can you say, "double standard"?

*** If that's true, it should be easy to show me where I have acted like "Mayor of IMDb". In other words, bring it, Darla.

But you won't. You'll just hide behind the ignore button. It's ok for you to be rude, condescending and just plain bitchy, but no one better dare question you, correct you or attempt at a decent conversation.

Go ahead run from the truth and put me on ignore. Show us what a coward you are and how you can dish it out, but can't take it.

You're just awful.

Move along: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XleOkGsYgO8


It was meant to be FUNNY, but you took it wrong. I am not angry or offended by folks who call areas of CA "cow towns". I don't take it personally, but the previous poster was NOT referring to cows or dairies. Trust me, I have heard those words all my life. The thing we say here is the more folks say silly things like that, the more they stay away, and we like it. In fact, I was born in OK, and have never been offended by the word "Okie", either. Having lived all but a few months in CA, I have heard "cow town" and "goat roper town" more times than I can recall.

I am not awful, except in your opinion and you don't know me, so, water off a duck's back. I'm not rude or condescending, again, I was JOKING. Fiero is a known troll on IMDB. He/she has come for me before and I didn't let it bother me. I did recall several folks with whom I communicate writing that person is a troll. FYI, I didn't really place that poster on IGNORE, but I am ignoring what they write. I typed that IGNORE message myself, as a comment. It isn't one generated by IMDB.

"Spurious lawsuits" I surely thought would be taken in a lighthearted manner. I know no one is going to sue me, obviously.

I am not a grammar or spelling Nazi, but I do hate that word being used out of context. I have such sorrow for what the Nazis did in Germany that I have never been able to use the word in an off-hand manner. I feel the same way about "retarded" and "Bitch". There is never any good that comes from name-calling in a conversation. If you think I am "bitchy" so be it. Funny, I, probably like you, have a lot of folks who love me and never have they called me "bitchy".

No town is completely wasted, or as Fiero wrote. There is something, I am sure, good about just about every town. "Cow town" does not offend me in YOUR sense of the word. The way Fiero used it showed he/she knows nothing about CA, that is what I was addressing. Yes, as you drive north or south, you can smell the dairies. "Come smell our dairy air". Get it? It's a joke here on CA.

At last, if you are offended, I sincerely apologize. I am not angry or upset by anything you wrote. I actually thought you were kind of joking when you wrote about the dairy business in CA, since you inserted so much information.

I will not place you on "Ignore". That is not how I live my life. I am not the Queen of Hearts, after all. I just have a bit of a twisted sense of humor.

I am asking your forgiveness.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


Ok, Darla. Fair enough. I accept your apology and hope you will accept mine. I sincerely apologize for being harsh. 

By the way, I just like researching different subjects, which is why I insert "so much" information. Perhaps I should consider changing my screen name to CaptainFactChecker or something. LOL.

Have a nice day. Hope you're surviving the California heat. 

Move along: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XleOkGsYgO8


Thank you for your apology which of course I accept. This will not trouble us in the future.

I am never in the CA heat because I know better than to go outside when the car tires are melting!

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


Posts made by fiero-49251 will not be seen because the user is on your IGNORE list.


And with that she stopped!! Lol...


OH. I thought she was a he. She isn't very bright, is she?

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


Well, I could be wrong on that one (my she being a he) and if I am I'm sincerely sorry and apologize to Fiero on that one. Still I couldn't believe how that conversation went. I've only visited California. I have childhood friends that live in Santa Cruz. Nice area. Have also done a lot of driving (as the passenger) inthat state...reminds me of my own. Diverse. Heck, I'm so naive if someone said mid-CA to me I'd think of the areas above LA...Pismo Beach, Manhattan Beach, and also failed to see where geography was the point of it all. You saw the post I made about another troll and know how I feel, but I haven't encountered any problems thus far so will keep my jury pondering. I made a sniglet about CA when visiting that I hope you can find the humor in. It had to do with a drive ages ago that I made from Bakersfield to the coast. Driving along I saw so many of those oil drilling sites, derricks (?), but did think that they marred the countryside. So I called the petroticies! (half petroleum half monstrosity). It was also my first tasting of Taco Bell before it went national and oh I loved it.

Shame on all of the women for ganging up on Kelly. Whether it was warranted or not, right or wrong...you know how they would feel if the same was done to them. Another poster reminded me of when Tamra was hit with a hurtful truth and ran away ashamed and crying. I think the only member of this crew who hasn't been served her humble pie is Heather. The rest have always been brought down a few notches by their castmates. Lucky for Meghan she was out of the mix. She didn't need the stress, although she did listen to Kelly in their room the next morning and shared a suite with her. I think her wounds from these ladies are still fresh and she's unwilling to jump on their bandwagon and engage in mean behavior. I am very interested to see what bombshell that Heather thinks is coming next week. I'll refrain from being snarky...but think she's proud of it...like she hit a target. It could have something to do with their (Kelly and Tamra) prior conversation about $$ and how she and Terry got the financing for their home. These women haven't passed kindergarten...they don't play nice lol !!


Mindthinkr, like you I despise the look of the pumping oil wells. They really do mar the look of our beautiful state. Still those monstrosities are a necessary evil as oil has been a huge boon to the economy in CA. Not so much lately, and a lot of hard-working people are out of jobs due to the tremendous cut backs. Sorry to say, they are now desecrating North Dakota.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


Well, although neither of us seem to like the oil petrocities, agreed they are a necessary part of the economy and serve their use. The one that really scares me is the fracking. I heard a report lately about your birth state OK; how it never had many earthquakes until the fracking industry. Now that to me is scary. They want to drill for oil on my coastline but so far our state has been successful in voting against it...same for fracking. I just can't (or don't) want to imagine laying on the beach and seeing an oil rig.


Yes, the fracking operations are taking place in CA now. I hate not knowing the long term effects of this business.

I love the "petrocities". I only remember one Sniglet from the actual book, "Ciggadent" when you accidently burn someone or something with a lit cigarette.

I am afraid the fracking procedure is going to cause some major damage in many states. They seem to need to suck everything from the land, then leave behind the skeleton-like oil wells. They rust and weeds grow around them. I think I'd rather see the dinosaurs, like the LA Brea Tar pits.

I don't watch a lot of Sci-Fi, but my husband loves it. I cannot help but be reminded of what "fracking" means on the Sci-Fi channel. In case you haven't heard it used, it's said in place of the "F" word. I think it has real meaning in the case of what it is doing to our country.

P.S. I am flattered that you caught that reference to my home state, OK.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


Lol....ciggadent!! I remember those segments from SNL did sniglets...they were usually worthy of word usage. I even think that they came out with a book on them. I know someone (don't want her in my home however for many more reasons that I would care to share here) and she has put numerous ciggadents in her furniture...the arm on her couch (approximately a year and a half old) alone has had to be reupholstered three times. There's also my worry that this girl is going to burn her house down one of these days. As her parents keep enabling I don't think she's learned to appreciate what she has or their continued efforts to keep things fixed and looking good for her. It's very sad really. Sorry I blethered off on a tangent. Ciggadent...I'm adding that sniglet to my vocabulary. Thank you as always.


Hell no...you are not in the minority!

As I said in another post. Even children who does that nose flick thing gets bored with it after a while. But Kelly, a woman in her forties is still doing it and finds it to be the funniest thing ever.

What a ditz! She's unhappy in her marriage and doesn't know what to do with herself.


I find the nose flick thing highly offensive. As I find Kelly in general. HOWEVER, the behaviour of Shannon trying to get her drunk, Heather filming her on her phone in a moment of deep distress, nastily accusing her of having a 'psychotic break' Heather sticking her nose in the air and calling her trash and saying she feels sorry for her daughter, is all *beep* disgusting.

It's got nothing to do with Kelly, really. It's about Heather and Shannon and Tamra being absolutely appalling human beings. I honestly don't even know how I feel about this show now. It's gone past entertainment. I'm not sure I even want to keep watching. There's something highly affronting to me about the way they've treated Kelly. I think it shows a real disturbing lack of humanity to be so vindictive to someone displaying such distress.

Your future is all used up


They're ignorant. I don't like Kelly, but what they did to her was vile. I watch these shows to get a break from my daily routine, but when I start getting aggravated watching such bad behavior, I know they've gone too far.


I think back to last season, when Shannon was being treated badly and was seemingly on the verge of suicide, such a pitiful sight.

She went to Heather's house and Heather wagged her finger in Shannon's face and said Please Leave. It was IMO the cruelest moment in RH history, truly kicking someone when they were down and desparate.

Doesn't surprise me Heather is up to her old tricks in hurting Kelly.


I would like to take Heather's finger and stick it where the sun doesn't shine. My mother use to do that to me and if anyone were to do that to me now that I'm an adult, I honestly think I would snap. She's a condescending, stuck up a-hole.
