MovieChat Forums > The Real Housewives of Orange County (2006) Discussion > Fancypants getting booted from the depar...

Fancypants getting booted from the department store toilet

How much would you have paid to witness that? Easily $500. Or five hundred Euro or pounds or whatever. But I would have had to have filmed it. Just delicious. 😂

First you ask if you can be red, knowing that I'm always red.


I'm surprised she didn't melt like the wicked witch that she is.


I cannot freaking stand her.

No Roger, no Rerun, no rent


They should have left the boot stuck up her ass. I'm a former Heather fan.


I laughed at the part of the story where she stated that she was in the ladies loo when someone came asking (I think she also had a bang bang bang on the door too) if there was an American in there! It had to be pretty bad if they followed her there...or perhaps she saw the whole thing beginning and thought if she could just wait it out a few minutes that the others would be out and she could shop in peace. Just conjecture on my part.


I believe she said they knocked in the door and said " is there an American lady in there"? I would've paid so much to see that. Its funny people don't like her now I've never liked her because she's a snob and horribly obnoxious

No Roger, no Rerun, no rent


People wonder why we get a bad name in foreign countries. From Miss Fancypants no less. Do you think that she was horrified that this might taint her cultivated image or just angry that she couldn't finish shopping?


Actually, I think she didn't get to finish her business in the loo.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


^^ You are a hoot!!
