Heather is GARBAGE!

What a piece of trash she revealed herself to be on that bus, provoking Kelly. Heather showed her true colors. She probably thought the camera wouldn't pick it up in the dark.


All of the things Heather said- and she wants to talk about other people.
She called Kelly trash and disgusting and stupid b%#*.
But she wants to act like she is above others.


People with true class do not provoke, use snide comments and incite. They calmly and quietly remove themselves from the situation.


people with true class don't need to constantly talk about how classy they are.

White lightening+Black Hammer


^^^ Yes. That too...good point.




yes i think when your story is to show that you can select the shape of your icecubes you have left the 'classy' side.



So Heather is not classy..........she's just like the other women.

She's no worse either.

They've all turned into pig-idiots.

I bought some powdered water but didn't know what to add to it.


But she is the only one constantly claiming and acting as though she is classier than the rest.


There was a time when Heather was the only classy RH in the OC. But now she is as trashy as the rest of them. The other girls bad behavior rubbed off on Heather.

I wish I had a dollar for every time Heather stood up and wagged her finger at someone. I'd be rich! Someone should break her pointy finger off and shove it where the sun don't shine.


Her face looked scary in the dark!!!

You never know when you may have to jam


yes it did! i know she must regret that ;p


Heather looked possessed in the van, especially around the eyes. And in the dark, her big cheeks and scary skeletal face really showed. Her face has always reminded me of a cat, she is just weird-looking to me.

For someone who is always bragging about how much money Terry has made as a plastic surgeon, you'd think she look a little bit better.


I was thinking the exact same thing, she didn't think the camera would get her, but we have that frozen grinchy face snarling at Kelly lmao


I wanted to get a shot of Shannon's chin hair. LOL.
