Day 15 And No Apology
Shannon; you're kidding right? Heather the "head mean girl!" It's truly pathetic with these old bags acting like grade schoolers!
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Shannon; you're kidding right? Heather the "head mean girl!" It's truly pathetic with these old bags acting like grade schoolers!
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And Heather thinks she's owed an apology too. These women are delusional beyond words. Heather can't fathom being wrong. Disgusting.
shareI'm gonna start calling Heather "Miss Crazy Eyes!" She's so much like Ramona of RHNY; just lose it at times! No wonder Terry'd rather work than go home to "that!"
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Shannon is pathetic and soooooo dramatic. It's been 15 days 7 hours 13 minutes and 48 seconds and she hasn't said "I'm sorry yet? I'll never speak to her again!" and then she speaks to Vicki 10 minutes later.
And, Heather is the worst - why is this creature still on the show?
Heather, Tamra and Shannon act like a pack of jackals. They eat, drink and attack in a pack. They are guilty of doing the same *beep* they are giving Kelli grief over. They've talked *beep* about Vicki ALL season. Got your liquid courage on Shannon? I used to think Heather was a real classy lady. Silly me! She's just a lady jackal. *beep* hypocrites.
For what it's worth I would have left that lame ass party too. Why hang around to be their punching bag?
Money and fame; it's a drug in the OC!
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