Thunder who? Text messages? What's going on, I feel like the puppet, and everyone else is the master, or, wait


I'm gonna have to catch the repeat! Just surfed by to see and hear that! Are those women bad enough to have people crank call the show to make Kelly look bad? Was there a clip of next week's reunion earlier? 

- - http://www.childrenofrassilon.com/fiero425.html - - homepage


Yeah, I thought wtf is Andy talking about lol Thunderdome? Huh? Is someone (H, T, S) blowing up Kelly's phone with texts? Mean girl bulls*it.


Apparently Tamra/Shannon conspired to get people to spread the rumors about Kelly having an affair. This backfired because Kelly already stated that her and Michael were on and off, plus the guy even said it wasn't true. Kelly said she has tets messages of the hags paying people to call in and try to "embarass" her, which is why she was so stand off-ish on WWHL.

But Tamra's a good Christian!!!!


Thanks for explaining this. I was confused while watching WWHL.
Do you know why they kept saying Thunderdome?
