MovieChat Forums > The Real Housewives of Orange County (2006) Discussion > 'I think you're having a psychotic break...

'I think you're having a psychotic break!'

Heather thinks because she's married to a doctor (a plastic surgeon at that), that she can diagnose people with mental illness lol. Heather just shut up and leave the show. What a miserable witch. If I were Kelly I would've said so much more just to shut her all the way up. Her and her champs can go!


Loved Kelly's impression of Heather at the restaurant a few weeks ago! I can't wait for the reunion because knowing her, Heather will definitely bring it up; so petty! She can't let anything go!  

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She thinks so highly of herself. She probably thinks she can diagnose people with her theatre degree.


Lmfaoooooo Heather is so theatrical and overdramatic in every episode.


How times have changed so quickly~ I thought Kelly was so obnoxious doing that impression and now I'm dying laughing! 


Watching Heather is about as interesting as cleaning my bathroom. That witch needs to grab her broom and FLY! I'm sure there's someone somewhere who wants a diagnosis from a frustrated B list actress! Hopefully she takes her dumb friend Shannon with her lol and I do believe Vicky told it true about Shannon's hubby. Beadors reaction was extremely revealing. Hmm


She did the same thing to Shannon on her first season. She knew Shannon was very vulnerable and had heard rumors about David's affair so she thought she could gaslight her if she provoked her enough.


SHE is the mean girl bitch. I cant with her. GTFO yourself.


I think Meghan was spot on when she said Heather revealed her true colors and coniving ways on the trip.




I think it was proof that Meghan had already made her decision to move away/leave the show when she called Heather out on her behavior at the party. I doubt she'd have done that if she thought she'd have to interact w/ Heather for another season.


I have seen conflicting reports about Meghan's decision to leave the show. I am not positive that this has been confirmed.
Is there confirmation of this from Meghan?


Meghan is too mature and sane to be on the show. What normal person would want to hang around these bitches?

Your future is all used up


It's funny that Tamra threatens to KILL Kelly, yet Jokerface Phd diagnosed Kelly with the psychotic break.
