The Plastics....
What a bunch of f^cktards these people are. I don't know who's worse, but the top three are definitely Hairy Chin (aka Shannon), Champs (aka Heather) and Born-Again Bimbo (aka Tamra). These three make The Heathers look like angels. They are all a bunch of flippin' hypocrites and phonies.
Let's start with Hairy Chin. For someone who runs around espousing New Age rhetoric and clean livin', she sure doesn't have a problem with polluting the environment with her bullsh*t. As long as you're sleeping on an organic, vegan mattress, it's ok to be a hypocrite, a mean girl and a b*tch, right? I'll give her an inch for being so mean to least there's a bit of a history there. But she's been nothing but rude, mean and nasty to Kelly since the beginning of the season, and she doesn't even really know her. Call me crazy, but SHE'S the one that has caused all the trouble. She had those skanky porn-star looking OC morons at her 70's party, where they "put it out there" that Kelly had an affair with a married man, that she performed certain, well, favors in exchange for money, blah, blah, blah, but KELLY is the bad one for repeating on air what Vicki told her about her creepy husband putting his hands on her? And not in a lets-renew-our-vows-and-make-sweet-sweet-love kind of way. Let's face it...he probably has. Because if not, then why aren't they threatening to sue her? Wouldn't it be slander? Listen...Hairy....if you want to stay in a marriage with a creepy, cheaty women beater, go for it. But you don't need to be a sh*t bag to some woman you have it in for. And if can't take better not dish it out.
Then there's Champs. Heather...girrrrl....if you're really the classy broad you work so hard at selling to everybody, you would let the women who have beefs with one another handle their own bidness. Who put you in charge of the rest of the world? For someone who likes to be the Manners Police, you seem to have lost yours. Kelly was ARE a meddler. And you're just as snakey as everyone else. You just wrap yours in a little bow. You don't need to jump into every fray and put your two cents' in. That's meddling. And it's really not your place to do that. You're right there on the mean girl band-wagon, putting people down, lecturing them on their behavior and passing judgement. And that's just "low, base, bullsh*t". And that pretentious McMansion you've built right there in Klan County? Well, that's just tacky. If you wanted to live in a palace, you should have married someone of royalty, not a doctor that specializes in making people into Stepford Wives. And if you really had the class you try to project, you wouldn't be caught dead on this show.
And, finally, the Born-Again Bimbo. Ah, Tamra. The biggest sh*t stirrer of the bunch. She is the queen of starting sh*t. She loves to blab. Blab, blab, blab. Betray people's confidences, repeat rumors and innuendos, start some herself, tattle on people. And then step back and watch it all hit the fan and act like her hands aren't dirty. She really has some kind of nerve to demand Vicki stop talking about people when she does it more than anyone! Is she just totally in denial? If so, perhaps Eddie IS gay. Whatever. But I'll tell you one thing....this Jesusy act is really hilarious. Hey, Tamra...if you really have "Heard the Good News", you'd be out...I don't know.....helping the homeless or feeding the poor, and not parading around in Louis Vitton shoes and appearing in cheesy body contests. And you wouldn't care so very much about being all up in this gated society you really don't fit in with. Because there's no way you have the kind of money they have. It doesn't take much for you to drop your airs and show the trashier side you came from.
Bravo to Megan for finally sticking up for her friend. She redeemed herself some in my eyes, because I wasn't really digging her earlier in the season. I think she's just more wrapped up in her pregnancy than getting too involved in the drama. I heard she might not be on next season. Good for her. I may watch this show, but there's no way in hell I'd be on it. Whether it's real...whether it's scripted...or a combination of both, who wants to have THIS be the picture people get of you and your life? No thanks.
Vicki...why do you need to hang around with these people, anyway? You're a business woman. Focus on that. Forget trying to be one of the ladies who lunch crowd. These women are so boring. Shannon is a whacko, Heather is a yawn, Tamra is trouble. Cut these beyotches loose.