Question about a past episode.

I know this is old news and I didn't watch every episode from past seasons, but I had a question regarding the episode at Lizzie party when Shannon had the breakdown and the whole "Dubrows are going to take the Beadors down." All of them were denying saying it. In your opinion do you think:

A. The Dubrows (Terry or Heather) really did say this to Tamra and they're denying it?

B. Tamra made up the rumor to shyt stir?

C. Shannon has green Martians around her head and Tamra never said anything to Shannon at all. Although I don't think this is the case since Vicky claims Tamra told her the same thing.

This may have been revealed in an episode. I just didn't see every episode so forgive me if it was.


I vote for B




My opinion, Tamra made that sh*t up. She did the exact same thing to Shannon that she gave Vicki grief over.


Tamra has a way of twisting things so they sound more scandalous. Maybe Terry cracked a joke about taking them down and Tamra took it literally. Idk, she accuses so many people of lying that you wonder how much she tells the truth.

Not that the Dubrows are innocent but 'taking them down' is really immature.


I don't know. I can equally see Tamra making it up and The Dubrows saying such a thing, so who knows.

Your future is all used up


Is a combination of A and B possible ?

Tamra stirs crap up and I can picture Heather and Terry commenting on the Dubrows (take them down? possibly. they def discussed off-camera with Tamra their true feelings of the Dubrows)


A. Got sure.


For* sure. Darn auto correct.

And trampra does twist but I think they said this. Heather was threatened that aa other HWY lives in her neighborhood where she's building her megamansion, and I'd just as rich.


Yeah Heather was really after Shannon her first season and the DuBrows are very vindictive from what I've read.

Though now she and Shannon are BFFs. Shannon must've passed the hazing.
