
Sounds like she is going after Meghan at the reunion. In her blog she said it was unfair of Meghan to talk behind her back but she also says she was drunk on the bus and doesn't remember half the things she said. Isn't that why they have been bashing Kelly all season. And meghan called heather on her *beep* Used to like heather but I'm so sick of her always saying "wait until __ to see my side of things" shut up heather.


I would love to see a Heather/Meghan showdown. I'm putting all my money on Meghan.


Meghan doesn't speak up enough. She has a very soft side and Heather will quickly shut her up. I would love to see Meghan grow some balls and really stand up to these women.


I hope Meghan sticks up for herself and lets Heather have it.

Your future is all used up


I didn't like Meghan much at the beginning but I have to say I like her more and more. She stood up for her friend, Kelly, more than once but also gave Kelly a kick in the ass when needed. That's what real friends do. They don't trash you behind your back, start rumors, betray confidence or set you up to be "confronted."


Same here; redeemed herself nicely at the end! I doubt she'll be back! Might move back to STL to be closer to Jim! 

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Heather's so transparent. Meghan didn't fall in line like she was supposed to and now Heather is livid because she has to be in control 24/7.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 
