Vicki's 'Shame On You' Technique

After witnessing Vicki use this quote to devastating effectiveness throughout the series, I began to use it when in need of having to defend myself in arguments against really vicious remarks or labeling.

I must say I think it's probably the most effective insult you can say to someone. It's not stooping down to their level and behaving just as bad. But it kind of puts you as a higher-moraled person that is pointing out just how low these people have gone to resort to name-calling when you did nothing wrong.. and just wanted to humiliate you in front of everyone on purpose. That's the time when I use it.. (think David cussing Vicki out at the 70s party.. just vile no matter what the person did)

I saw how effective it was there and have used it ever since :lol:


Not only do I have a very deep voice (for a female), but it also resonates deeply. For instance, even if I'm speaking in a low voice to a small group at a cocktail party, you can still hear me without even trying. Should have been an actress. Anyway, for me, I tend to take the low road. Saying "shame on you" would never level the person in the way that I would seek. Although, with the timbre of my voice, it might inspire a little fear or the need to vacate the immediate vicinity. I've never been violent with anyone, but voice would make you think it's on the way. Intimidation is my technique. 

Burn, Hollywood, Burn!- from the incomparable album Fear of a Black Planet by Public Enemy.


My best technique with people who are attacking me is to become silent. I'm a complainer. I bitch, moan, argue and complain about almost everything. However, when I become really angry, I stop talking and I stop complaining. That just shuts down the people who are trying to engage me in a verbal argument. Usually, I will always argue, but if I'm really mad (which isn't often), I stop talking. People don't know what to with that. It's awesome to watch because the look on people's faces when they don't know what to say next is funny. Usually, they just walk away. Is that a bad thing for me to do? LOL.


thekingdomofjordan I picked it up from Vicki and use it whenever appropriate. Lol!! We have adapted a Vicki behavior! Hahaha love it ???


Vicki says that when she is caught out. I hate her sanctimonious attitude. Another thing she overuses is "You are filthy and disgusting." She says that often, also when she has been caught out. Pot meet kettle.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


Vicki helped her boyfriend fake cancer. She can never have the high moral ground.



Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


Vicki doesn't see anything wrong with what she did. In fact, she can't wait to meet Brooks in heaven. She's delusional.
