Uhm Tamra 'Sinners and Christian' are

Not Interchangebale!! A Christian is someone who follows the word of God without committing any sins. You can't call yourself a Christian and then say "We are all sinners". She needs to seriously just shut up and stop talking. I hate when she constantly talks about how forgiving she is but it's okay to repeatedly do things against God's word.

I'm over Tamra!


The Bible states all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, so Christians do sin. Everyone sins. Heck, the disciples sinned! We're not to keep on committing the same sins and expecting it to be overlooked because we are Christians. We're supposed to know better, strive to be better, and do better.


Well Christian and being a good person wouldn't involve these broads; esp. Tamra! The woman is vile! She's a gossipy old woman trying to hold onto her youth! 

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I understand the Bible was written by man and many have stated the Bible was altered/updated many years ago. I have a hard time listening to delusional people like Tamra because her behaviour had gotten worse after she was baptized.

Even if humans were born to sin, I don't really agree with Tamra constantly calling herself a Christian. Nor do I agree with Christians constantly reminding others that "We are all sinners". If you follow God, don't sin!


As has been posted, "we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God."
We Christians remind ourselves and each other of this lesson. As we are not perfect, we continue to sin, some in big ways, some in small ways. Jesus was the only perfect One. We are to strive to be Christ like, but we know we are not perfect and never will be. Forgive until Jesus stops forgiving you.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


I think every human being sins. However, I do believe that being a Christian means that God helps you overcome many of your weaknesses and I think it means constantly striving to change and be better and with God's help, be delivered from some of the sins you may have been in bondage to.
I don't think it means being like Tamra and just continually doing the same negative things over and over and just using the excuse of 'we're all human', etc.


I think the problem with tamra is she thinks because she says she's a Christian all her horrible behavior should be forgotten about and thought of a lapse in judgment for just a second.

Christians don't behave and speak the way she does....and certainly not on a daily basis.

They make a mistake, learn from it, and don't repeat it. She does the same thing time after time after time again.

But it's ok....because she's a christian.


Christians don't behave and speak the way she does....and certainly not on a daily basis.

They make a mistake, learn from it, and don't repeat it. She does the same thing time after time after time again.



If you follow God, don't sin!

I get where you're coming from, especially if you're speaking in hyperbole.

It's not that simple. Following your logic, there would be no need for Christ, thus no need for CHRISTians. Jesus was not perfect and said so when He asked in Mark 10:18 "Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God." In short, no one, not even the son of God is without sin. Jesus was sent to die and forgive sin.

They make a mistake, learn from it, and don't repeat it. She does the same thing time after time after time again.

Every Christian repeats the same sin at one time or another. Sin is committed by thought, word and deed. At some point, a Christian is going to think, say something and definitely DO something sinful. Sometimes all three at the same time.

Truthfully, (and believers will back me up on this) belief in Christ doesn't stop you from sinning, it helps you recognize it and strive to do better. Christ is here to help us get to God. Without Him, we can't. Christ, better than anyone knows what we can get into. 

Burn, Hollywood, Burn!- from the incomparable album Fear of a Black Planet by Public Enemy.


John 9:31King James Version (KJV)

31 Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth

I love your input but according to John 9:31, it clearly states that God does not listen to sinners. So let me ask you, if someone is constantly breaking the 10 Commandments should they still be labelled as a "Christian"? Tell me why someone who is Christian can't live their life without sin?

The Bible has been one of the most controversial pieces for many religions. Sometimes you have to take a step back and understand the Bible was altered many years ago.


How about you both go have this exact
Same conversation with Tamra and she will look at you two like a lost puppy.
We could...we could belong together...ARTPOP


lmaooooo @Violetrose!!! I know this conversation is getting out of hand but I can't stand hearing her call herself a Christian.


No you two are fine it's just mentioning some bible verses to to her she would probably be like I agree but has no idea what they even mean or that the difference of the points that you two are having she probably wouldn't understand it.

Remember when alexis would say bible verses and Tamra looked at her like a dog begging for snacks.

We could...we could belong together...ARTPOP


Remember when alexis would say bible verses and Tamra looked at her like a dog begging for snacks.

You kill me. LOL

Burn, Hollywood, Burn!- from the incomparable album Fear of a Black Planet by Public Enemy.


How about you both go have this exact
Same conversation with Tamra and she will look at you two like a lost puppy.

  I'm not a fan of Tamra, but I'm going to say this for her: I think she is honestly seeking a relationship with Jesus Christ. Being a Christian doesn't infer perfection, but I think her intentions are pure.

That was funny. LOL

Burn, Hollywood, Burn!- from the incomparable album Fear of a Black Planet by Public Enemy.


Tell me why someone who is Christian can't live their life without sin?

I love this. I never thought I'd have Bible study on IMDB. LOL

Well, let's first define sinner. A sinner is one that doesn't believe in Jesus Christ and that He is the born son of God. In I John 1:9 it reads: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
We are human and to live a life without sin is impossible. The tempter (Satan)is also at work. I'm not one of those The-Devil-Made-Me-Do-It types. Satan doesn't make us do anything. Satan TEMPTS us and makes us think that simply because others don't see, hear or know what we do that God doesn't, either. That's the trap. Both God and Jesus know this. Again, we sin with our very thoughts. You are absolutely right. God does not hear sinners, but Jesus Christ does. He is our savior. He is our counselor. He speaks to God on our behalf. He said, I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the father, but through me.
John 14:6.
Burn, Hollywood, Burn!- from the incomparable album Fear of a Black Planet by Public Enemy.


I disagree. Growing up in Catholic school, I did remember this-
For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
10 years of that school, and there's just somethings that are etched in the back of my mind! ???


Tamra needs to shutup because she has no idea what she's talking about and I've never seen her genuinely apologize for any of her behavior. Tamra's idea of Christianity is laughable. She just wants to lecture people and still have the same behavior. She's still bullying everyone and pulling her usual schemes. It's amazing how she shamed Alexis for having breast implants as a Christian but it's okay for her to jump in people's faces screaming at them, push someone because they said something she didn't like, curse 24/7, badmouth her ex husband at every opportunity, run back and tell gossip to start fights, etc. she hasn't changed and she will never change.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


I believe Tamra wants to be/act Christian and be as nice a person as humanly possible.

But in reality, this is impossible for her. She is inherently evil and mean, has a huge ego, and cannot control her behavior at times.

You can't have it both ways, so she has a decision to make. Either ditch the whole Christian thing and continue being a major hateful bitch to everyone, or live like a Christian and make nice with everyone.


Few people are "inherently evil and mean." That is a very powerful and vile judgment to make against another person, especially someone you don't know. What particular insight into her soul do you posess that you make such a broad and sweeping statement against a stranger? That's really, really ugly.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


It tells you something that buzzards and spiders run from her

We could...we could belong together...ARTPOP


existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute.
synonyms: intrinsic, innate, immanent, built-in, indwelling, inborn, ingrained, deep-rooted.

Inherent is a good word for Tamra's meanness. Her hard-hearted Mom was mean to her....now Tamra is mean to HER own daughter. It gets passed down, the Mean, like a horrible legacy of a way to respond to everything in the future.

Mean can run/ruin whole families. So, yeah...Tamra is inherently mean. When her initial reaction to every situation is defensive, you know she came from an abusive childhood.

I remember that episode when Tamra and her awful mom were grilling T's son about a wedding date. He hesitated, and T's mom yelled out, "He's LYING! I KNOW when he's lying!!" with an evil smile on her face. Told me lots about HER mothering skills. She's awful, Tamra's awful, and I can only hope Tamra's daughter isn't infected with their core meanness. No wonder she prefers Simon.


I can't imagine why anyone would want to be friends with Tamra! She so full of $#!t talking about being Christian, that "we're all sinners" when her big arse mouth is usually the cause of so much drama! She can't keep anything to herself and actually knows she's a blabbermouth! Talk about bearing "false witness!" 

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I always love reading your posts. This is why I have ZERO interest in hearing Tamra call herself a Christian. She is far from it.


 

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Emma, perhaps by your definition she is "inherently injured" rather than evil. You can't just look up the one word in the dictionary and write as though that fits the OP's description. He included the word "evil". She may be mean sometimes, but she is not evil.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


Christians commit no sins? What? That's news to me. All of this judgement on whether or not Tamra should call herself a Christian is, well, pretty un-Christian like if you ask me.

I've seen a huge change in Tamra. Did she slip up a few times? Absolutely, but I don't believe she was out to intentionally hurt anyone as she has been in past seasons. Her intentions were good. I liked her a lot.


I don't believe Tamra is a true Christian, if she truly had Jesus in her heart, she wouldn't be behaving so vile on this show, and in her personal life.

Knock if off Napolean make yourself a dang quesadil-la!


Tamra is very new to Christianity. This doesn't excuse her bad behavior by any means. She needs to work on that, but we don't just abandon our faith when we backslide. It's not all or nothing at all.

As Vicki is criticizing Tamra, I always go back to Vicki crossing herself as if she is Catholic when she is not. That is so phony and pretentious. I almost fell off my chair when the ladies walked into the dairy in Ireland and Vicki crossed herself. Why? Let's not forget her comparing herself to Jesus, "being nailed to the cross when she has done nothing wrong!"

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


“He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”
