Tamra getting called out

I LOVE whoever the person was who sent in the comment about Tamra talking about everyone else's parenting but then trying to be off limits. It's about time she had a mirror held up to her face so she could see herself. That was one of my favorite moments of the reunion.


That's why my mouth goes agape when she's so critical of others, but she's "saved" by Jesus! "Screw you old lady!" Tamra's big time "full of $#!t!" 

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I though it was endearing that Tamra, that old blonde lady who's 49, refered to Vicki as an old lady. She really has no self-awareness.


Yes she did; more delusional! It's like she's right up there herself! She must be like Snow White's evil step-mother; just sitting up there looking in a mirror asking, "who's the fairest of them all?"  

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I didn't get Tamara calling Vicki old when her and Vickie are close in age.

Tamra is 49 and Vicki is 54 - so how is T calling V old?

And people don't change because they have been "saved".

In the words of Billy Joel, "I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints"
Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.


So did I. Justice!!!

Now all they have to do next week is call Heather on the carpet for her behavior during the bus ride in Ireland


and then saying "i only said i was hurt". yeah right!


She could be so dense that she doesn't realize that she's " hurting" others because she's so self centered that she only thinks of herself.


My reaction exactly! That viewer owned Tamra.
