MovieChat Forums > The Real Housewives of Orange County (2006) Discussion > Briana is passive aggressive about Vicki...

Briana is passive aggressive about Vicki and it speaks volumes!

Briana confides with Tamra about Vicki's behavior behind her back. She made on camera comments that Vicki exaggerated her injuries for attention. Yet, she acts like she is on Vicki's side to her face. Obviously their relationship is not what Vicki claims it is. Briana has years of built up hurt feelings from her mom and it shows.


I think Briana is trying to get a spot on the show and she is using her mom to do it.


Good!! I would have no problem with that at all.


I am not sure what it is, but I don't like Briana as much as I used to....


And I love how Tamra frequently says "Briana told me this..." "Briana texted me...". BiTc%H please, you are using Briana to get every fricking story about Vicki.

Briana is two faced! She loves her mom but will also throw her under the bus to make Tamra happy.


I also think Tamra is 2 faced. If one of the ladies on this show were friends with Tamra's daughter and her daughter confided in them certain things about her, Tamra would have a fit. But here she is doing it to Vicki.
Also, If Briana has issues with her mom - she should address those issues directly and not go to Tamra or the camera in the way that she does.


I love how Vicky tried to yell everyone down when they were telling her what she said behind her back....then suddenly came up with oh well I didn't want Brianna to worry how bad it was....SINCE WHEN does she downplay anything?? She is such a loser.


Why watch if you think the Vicki is incapable of telling the truth? 

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Briana learned her behavior from the master. As Vicki's daughter, she is more at fault for disloyalty than Tamra. Briana made those comments on camera, so she obviously knows Vicki would find out. That is being passive aggressive. She says and does things behind Vicki's back but to her face it is a different story.
Briana despised Brooks and she and Tamra commiserated together over their shared dislike of Vicki's man.


Proving, they're more concerned about themselves than Vicki! Brianna would be history if she were my child! That kind of disloyalty can't be overlooked! If she's that bad with her mother, how is she with other people? It seems she has no friends but Tamra who plays her like a fiddle! 

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Loyalty is a huge thing to me. I would never, ever talk sh*t about my Mom and I couldn't sit by while others trash talked her either! Hearing Tamra saying "Briana said bla bla" or "Briana told me blatey-bla" made me feel queasy. I'm sorry for Vicki that her daughter thinks nothing of throwing her under the bus. Karma is a bitch Vicki.. keep your trap shut when it comes to rumors and your castmates!


Briana has years of built up hurt feelings from her mom and it shows.

Can you blame her?


I don't like Vicki, but Briana talking shyte about her on air and to her frenemy (Tamra) is not cool at all.


It's nothing compared with what VIcki has done -- call her own daughter a b@tch and stayed with and defended a man who encouraged Brianna's husband to beat her.
