"Shut up old woman!"

gotta give Tamra marks for that 


She obviously hasn't looked in the mirror lately; looking more and more like "Skeletor" everyday! The gaunt old women look just isn't hot! 

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Skeletor! lol that made me laugh!! Tamra calling Vicki old woman amused me. Did she fall on her little blonde head and forget their almost the same age?


Does Tamra think she won't age though?

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


The "I'm a better person then you!" comment was super Christian of her too.


Tamra is better than a mule that's it!


How dare you insult the mule population! They serve many purposes, unlike that weathered hag.


Insulting someones age is the lowest form of insult. She is not Benjamin Button who is ageing backwards, as Kenya from ATL said. It just speaks to a lack of intelligence and the fact that someone has nothing better to say. Or an insult for the sake of an insult.

Your future is all used up


Tamra just sounded like an idiot. That wasn't even a good insult considering they are very close in age. Not very "Christian" of you Tamra.


I'm sorry, you people are nuts...I loved it!!
Were you all around from season one? I feel like I'm the only one who has had Vicky hate for many years!


Tamra is just as bad as Vicki that's the issue with the show. They should've been fired from the show years ago for their bullying antics, fake cancer scam, trying to get Gretchen Naked Wasted etc.

"When life gives you lemons"
Jessica D: sleep with their fathers and have secret lemon children 


Praise Jesus!  

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So true. They are both a hot mess and have had different moments during different seasons where one was worse than the other


I can't stand Vicki but Tamra still sounded stupid.

Your future is all used up


I hope the FBI makes Tamra's life miserable sending that topless pic of Vicki to a 15 y.o. girl to get her to distribute it so her hands would look clean! Since the exposure, she's nothing but a filthy, dirty piece of $#!t! That should be the end of this friendship for good! If Vicki takes her back after that, she deserves all that comes with associating with such a psycho! 

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