Briana lying

I think Briana inherited Vicki's tendency towards grandiose exaggeration. She claimed to have just got off a 14 hour shift right before the reunion, but I am pretty sure there is a mandatory limit on how many hours a nurse can work consecutively (12) in California. In extreme emergencies there could be exceptions to that.

As a nurse I can understand why those limits exist- a 12 hour shift can be exhausting and one's decision making process would not be as sharp after long tiresome hours.

She also claimed Ryan was deployed 6 times- didn't she previously say he was deployed 3 times?

I didn't think Briana came across very good this season or especially on the reunion. She was talking in Vicki's ear, and was there strictly to back Vicki up, yet it seems when pressed, she feels a different way.


I couldn't believe Briana allowed Vicki's latest boyfriend to bathe and dress her young children. My opinion of her as the smart one of the family has evaporated. Give her a few years and she will be just as bad as Vicki.


I don't know, maybe she had a lot of charting to do!



I agree with this. Briana was the back up and I saw certain parts were she leaned on Briana probably to hint to her to hush.


In NC when someone didn't come in to cover you at the end of your shift (12hrs) you'd have to do mandatory coverage until someone could be called into replace you. Sometimes you'd get no coverage and this is especially difficult on nurses with children who have to line up child care with no notice. Nurses work hard and need their time off to function properly. Poor Bri goes home to her two boys and doesn't even have her husband there to help out. We know Vicki isn't much help.


Actually, she could have worked a 14 hour shift. My sister works 24-hour shifts at her job, and she's an anesthetist. Doesn't mean she's working the entire time, but she's at the hospital. But there have been shifts where she worked much of it. So, that could be true.

As for the deployments, I don't pay enough attention to have caught the discrepancy, but I find it hard to believe that someone his age would have deployed 6 times. I don't know how old they are, but I don't think he's much older than late 20's/early 30's, if at all. She was, what, like 16 or so when the show started? It's been on 10 years? 11? So she's probably about 26, 27 or so, and I think he's about the same age. So, yea, 6 deployments is probably b.s.

I don't really mind Briana. I think she's fairly level-headed from having a fairly privileged life. I just wish she would lose some weight. I don't mean that in a fat-shaming way. I mean it in a health way. She's had a lot of health problems, and now, apparently, has lupus. Losing weight could only be a plus for her overall well-being, so I wish she would.


CRNA is an advanced practice specialty, but still has mandated rules about overtime. Some CRNA's are required to be on call, which isn't the same as working a normal shift. Regardless, Briana is an RN in the ER, but doesn't have an advanced degree.

As far as Ryan's deployments, I really don't know. I guess there's no reason to believe she would be dishonest about it. My point was that she seemed to be giving a "woe is me " kind of story, and I don't feel sorry for her at all.


Of course I know what a CRNA is. My sister is one. Not being snarky...just saying that, yea, I know. But she does work 24 hour shifts. And there have been many where she worked pretty much the whole time. And they're scheduled shifts...not on-call. Well, kind of on-call. I mean, she has to be at the hospital, but, yea, she might not be working the whole time. She also does do on-call shifts, but with those, she is at home. If they call, she has to go in.

I work for a hospice, and we have nurses that do 12 hour shifts there, so I can see a 14 hour shift. Another sister of mine works at a health facility, and she's had 16 hour shifts many times. Not necessarily scheduled, but had to stay. So I really don't doubt her story at all. It happens more times than you'd think.


I didn't feel Briana was being "woe is me" at all. She was defending herself against the clods on social media who say her mother does everything for Ryan and her. She merely said that she is a nurse and that she works hard. She said she just worked a 14 hour shift, which is very possible.she didn't say EVERY shift is 14 hours. She also said her husband has been deployed six times, which some posters don't seem to believe.

If you are trying to figure out how such a young man could be deployed so many times and thinking Briana is a liar, perhaps you need to know more about the military. Not all deployments are a solid year long. They can be 2-3 months, yet they are considered a deployment. A soldier can leave for 6 months, come home, be reassigned for four months, and that equals two deployments, not one deployment with leave in the middle.

As far as Briana's health is concerned, I wish folks would leave off about her weight. She has had thyroid problems and is recently diagnosed with lupus. Both serious possible reasons for weight gain. Walk a mile in her shoes.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie



I don't think Bri lied nor exaggerated at all! Some nurses, firemen, police officer's, EMT., etc...they have 1 on and 2 off. Meaning 1 full day/night of a w5 hr shift then 2 days off, then go back for another 24 hrs. My ex was a fireman and did 1 on 2 off. And 14 hrs might mean 12-hr shift but took a hr to get there, get situated & punch in work 12 hrs, punch out go to locker room change and drive home. Do she may be including those hours.

As for military deployments, I'm amazed how little yall know. How the liberal media has blinded you to what really goes on with military families. He's in the Marines so their deployments are 6-12 months. And if he's been in the military for 10+ years then he's definitely been on tour 6 times. If those deployments are 6 months, then for sure. The airforce is the "cushy" branch. They deploy and typically stay in hotels and it's like 3 months deployments. Coast Guard is 6 months. Navy typically a year. But the worst is the Army. They are full year (sometimes longer) deployments. You get 1 R&R or w/e around the 6 months Mark or you have to request when you want to take it. And it's for about 10 days. AND sometimes you have to pay for the flight!! And if you don't fly in where you're stationed at, you have to pay for your own way! Lets say bc you have a family reunion in another state and that's the time you requested for your leave, well you're looking at $1200 min for that plane ticket home! Also, if your wife's pregnant during your deployment there's no guarantee they'll fly you home to be with your wife. And once you're there for 90 days then you can request for the time you want your leave and that's no guarantee that it'll be approved. So might miss that,family reunion. My best friends husband is now in the reserves. He didn't re-enlist. He did basic Summer of 2004. He got out summer 2016. In 12 years they've moved to 3 different stations and she moved 5 times to be close to use while he was on 2 deployments. But in total he did 3 tours/deployments and 1 job where he was stationed in Korea for 1 full year to help advance his career but it was all for not, bc he didn't re-enlist. And Obama let a lot of military jobs go and "fired" in a way these soldiers. Downsizing our military.
So if Ryan did 6 month deployments, then I believe he did 6 total ... and depending on his rank, Tokyo, might be why he's deployed more. And when a spouse is deployed they get paid more.
