'I've been with him for 7 years!!...

He's not gay!!"

Ummm you started this show 7 yrs ago, correct? While married to Simon, no? Sooooo you were having an affair this whole time??

And Vicki responding to the gay question "idk if he,is? Hes,married so...but idk if,he is?" Hahaha I see what she did there. It's true, he could be closeted, or bi? Who knows and Vicki doesn't know either. She is only knows what she sees.
Idk why no one said "It's been going around the Internet for years!!" And,Tamra accuses vic of spreading it. No one from Eddie's past,has said,theyve had sexual relations with him so who knows? Who cares?


This wasn't a new rumor at all. I'm also really surprised no one mentioned this rumor being on the internet either.


Tamra has to manufacture outrage to explain her psycho episodes! 

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