Megan had her baby on Thanksgiving

Megan and Jim Edmonds baby girl was born on Thanksgiving! I believe she was due around the first week of December. No details yet.


Congrats to her.

It's called Aspen though. What a dumb name.

Your future is all used up


My cousin had IVF and her triplets were preemies as well; by a couple months really! Pic of them on homepage; scroll down a little! They are the treasure of the family and are now 14 and started HS! 

- - - - homepage


Aw, Fiero, you must be so proud, those three are beautiful. They have smiles that I imagine would just light up the room! I can see why they are family treasures!


Very cute kids Fiero!!

Congratulations to Meghan and Jim for their baby as well, I'm sure she's adorable!

"You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you." Mr Darcy


I'm happy for her but don't like the name because all I could think of was Ass for short? btw just 2 weeks early no big deal, I was born like that too:)
