Kelly to Heather: The world hates you


Part 3 really had good lines and moments


I don't know anyone who cares for that stuck-up, opinionated, hypocritical b!tch! "Know it Heather, no one like you!"

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I adore Heather. She has moments when I don't agree with her i.e. visiting Vicki at the hospital, but for the most part, she's my favorite on this show.

Burn, Hollywood, Burn!- from the incomparable album Fear of a Black Planet by Public Enemy.


LOVED when she said that! My favorite line of the night, haha.

Acting wins, '00-'09: &


My favorite was when Meghan was trying to decipher between "TV Heather" and "Real Heather" lol


that was awesome!


and I think she also said "the worlds loves me"? That whole part was so funny.

and Andy also repeated the "heather is the puppet and everyone else is the master" line


I loved when she said that too! Heather looked shocked like she refused to believe that a lot of people despise her and think she's a shallow bitch and a try hard.


Heather did look taken aback when Kelli said everyone hates you.. I cracked up at that "omg did I hear her right?" look Heather had!! She's a mean, petty, fame chaser who would do better keeping her beak out of the other women's biz. Oooo that's right she can't myob. Heather's only storyline is lamenting her pretentious mansion and sticking her beak in lol


What adult says something as stupid as "everyone hates you"? What a ridiculous thing to say. I think I knew someone like that in the fifth, no fourth grade. No one should be bothered by a thing that alcoholic, childish Kelly says.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


Kelly was simply believing her own press. Speaking of puppets, she's certainly Vicki's puppet!


Only until Vicki turns on Kelly (and she will). What Tamra said was absolutely true. After all, she should know, she was Vicki's puppet for years!

"You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you." Mr Darcy


Exactly. Vicki was whispering in Kelly's ear at the reunion that the other women were going to call her a liar. News flash Vicki: you are no Swami predicting the future. You are a liar and everyone, yourself included, knows it.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


Heather's expression was priceless!! Hopefully she went home and checked out social media and saw that Kelly was spot on!


Kelly is an awful human being. I'm no Heather fan, but you gotta be a pretty immature person to cheer her and her mean comments on.

Oh what a day! What a lovely day!


Kelly is no adult.

White lightening+Black Hammer


And none of these other women are better or can be considered "adults" over her. They've all behaved ridiculously and in ways that I think is too far-gone, and can't be resolved. Like in the real world, they should move on from each other, except the "friends." But there should be a major overhaul of the show, and only one of the two groups should continue on the show. If I was Kelly, I would never film again with Heather again, I don't care how much she apologizes, you can't keep apologizing and think people will forgive her disgusting, idiotic condescension, and Tamara for her assault. I would never trust Shannon, since she's probably the biggest liar that we've seen on this show, from the Ireland trip, to her issues with her husband, you can't trust a person who has zero integrity.


True, but Kelly has no integrity either. All the women behave horribly but Kelly acts like an 8 year old brat.


That's what makes Kelly entertaining and probably a fan fave! Hope she'll be back to keep the others on their toes!  

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I find Kelly to be pretty much an open book. And I don't think she behaves like an 8 year old brat. I personally rather she act childishly than display the abhorrent behavior of the others. I hope they don't film together anymore. Just show them in their respective groups next season. I don't want her be to be around such despicable human beings.


She hangs out with Vicki, so she is hanging around a despicable human being.

"You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you." Mr Darcy
