Lauri's Son Facing Murder Charges

We've heard for ages what's been going on with her kids while she's going out of her way being a liar, $#!t-stirrer, and overall piece of garbage trying to be famous! 

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Son of 'Real Housewives OC' star facing murder charges

Joshua Waring, son of Real Housewives star Lauri Peterson, was arrested Monday after a police pursuit. Charges against Waring include suspicion of attempted murder and evading police. Stacey Butler reports.

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This is quite old and has been news for several months now...


Well I wasn't paying attention! Good for you! 

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Who the fvck is Lori?


You're kidding? She's an old housewife since let go and came back for a season! I think it's spelled Lauri though; hired by Vicki when she lost her hubby and standing in the OC! She was pretty much taken care of by Vicki only to be rewarded with rumor mongering and lying! I continue to say, "no good deed goes unpunished" when it comes to these b!tches!  

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I always referred to her as FITA - Flowers in the Attic. That woman seemed to be the type that would dump her kids in a heartbeat for a rich guy.

My feet have wings, barf bag.


omg lmao!


OMG- that is perfect, and I agree!!


There's a difference between murder and attempted murder.

So did he murder someone or try to murder someone?


Yes, he shot at several people and hit one of them - so it's attempted murder. You can google "Joshua Waring."

California Über Alles


I never understood why murder and attempted murder are different charges. Attempted murder just means that you failed at it. Why should you get a reduced sentence because you couldn't bring it home?

A simple mind is a tidy mind.
