MovieChat Forums > The Real Housewives of Orange County (2006) Discussion > Regarding Tamra & Her Estranged Daughter

Regarding Tamra & Her Estranged Daughter

Okay this is obviously a touchy subject and what I'm about to say might not be politically correct for some sensitive people, but I felt the need to reveal some truth to this situation. So here's what I know.

After hearing this topic be mentioned multiple times throughout the show and gossip news sites, I decided to take a closer look into this estrangement. After looking into everything and seeing SO MANY similarities to other families, I felt the need to defend Tamra against all the people that claim "she chose the show over her own daughter."

I have seen this exact situation before and it's really unfair, but it happens. It's rare but it exists.

Tamra is obviously pretty hot for her age. Sidney is more "down to earth" and isn't blonde, tan, and sexy like her mother is. This may change one day, but as of right now.. in the looks department, they are polar opposites. This is where I believe the riff began.

No matter if they're friends, strangers, family, or coworkers.. women are always catty over other females' appearances and normally the hot girls are hated (envied) by those who aren't. All hot girls hang with other hot girls. Homely girls hang out with homely girls.. for the most part.

So I feel that Sidney is actually jealous that her mom is this hot blonde bombshell, while she is quite average (which she could change if she tried; she's cute but not SEXY) and uses her Mother's unconditional love for her as a weapon to hurt Tamra with because she envies what her mother has. She claims if she quit the show, they could reconcile. And people attack Tamra for doing the show and remaining at odds with her daughter.

But this show is TAMRA'S paycheck and essentially her whole career. I think it's so unfair for her daughter to proposition her to basically quit her job for them to have a relationship with one another. No mother would quit their job just for their daughter to talk to her! This is where I believe Tamra was correct in saying that she is spoiled and should appreciate the life she has. And that 30 years ago this behavior would not be tolerated by parents. But this is the present day and because of the laws.. children practically own their parents now. They know they can blackmail their mom & dad if they did spank them or decide to harshly discipline them. That's what I see this as.

Tamra is supposed to quit her job for her daughter to talk to her?? That's selfish and conniving from Sidney and I can see right through her vindictive spitefulness of Tamra. If Sidney was blonde, tan, and hot.. I doubt there would be an estrangement between them.

Basically.. Sidney is jealous of Tamra. Even if they are mother and daughter, the cattiness between women is always there. And she manipulates the situation to look like she's the victim, and Tamra is the selfish, conceited fame wh**e who chooses the show over her own daughter. If it wasn't the show, then it'd be Eddie. etc. etc.

I see you Sidney, you're not fooling anybody


Tamra, welcome to IMDb!


 Ya think? You know some of these HW's hang out here monitoring everything and trying to direct or deflect! Teresa of RHWNJ is the worst at it! Her dumb arse is so blatantly obvious at times! 

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I remember Sonja from RHONY asking her (doesn't get paid) assistant to update something about her on IMDB, so they definitely read and post here.


the winner is.. tamra simon 😀




What an utterly ridiculous post.


The OP seems to be under the impression that it's okay to choose career over your child. They also like to perpetuate the twisted idea that mothers and daughters are catty jealous bitches who compete with each other. Family dynamics are extremely complicated and to be attacking a child for standing up to her mother and then denigrating her looks is pretty pathetic.

The OP doesn't think much of women or understands the complexities of mother/daughter relationships.

This is what Sidney posted on Facebook last year:

I watched the reunion show last night and I am disappointed. I try not to talk about personal family matters with friends, but I was made aware that my mother was talking about me and discussing our personal family matters on the show again. At this point I think it is necessary to tell the truth since she does not know how to tell the truth.

The reason I do not live with my mother is not because of my dad, it is because she is mentally/verbally abusive and not a mother to me. When I told my mother I didn't want to live with her anymore I asked only a few things from her. For the past two years I have asked her to stop treating me badly, to stop doing embarrassing (sic) and talking about me on the show, and to not use my siblings and I as storylines. Clearly she hasn't followed through with anything that would have made me go back to her house. After telling her this for two years in consoling, (sic) she still hasn't recognized that these problems are between her and I and continues to make this about my father and her.

If she really wanted me back in her life she would have taken responsibility and changed two years ago when I told the first time what was causing our relationship to suffer. Obviously, I am just another storyline that feeds her fame and her wallet. Now you're using Spencer as a storyline, I hope he realizes it before the damage is done.

I don't get jealousy from this post, just sadness and disappointment. To be trivialising this child's emotions and claiming she's just jealous of her mum because she's not hot or sexy like her (and it's creepy and gross to refer to an underage girl as sexy, you sound like an ephebophile) is sickening. Sidney merely asked her mother not to talk about her and Tamra refused to listen, over and over again. I don't think that's too much to ask. Nowhere in that post did she mention not wanting her to do the show anymore, though why should she be happy about a show that helped perpetuate the demise of her parents' marriage?

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Seriously, you sound like a toxic creep and you're making my skin crawl.

"You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you." Mr Darcy


So whenever someone posts something themselves on their profiles, it's always 100% true and never twisted to make them look like the good guy.. riiighttt..

First off, Tamra had never used her daughter as a storyline and she only brought it up last year in the Season 10 Reunion. At that time, Sidney had not seen her in 2 years. This was the first time Tamra openly talked about it on the show. In fact she PREVENTED it from being a story line on the show as we never heard anything about it until recently. So Sidney is caught lying there too.


That's obviously not been her experience and she would know more about it than you. You have no idea what is really going on.

The fact of the matter is, Tamra has talked about it and is still talking about it, so regardless of whether she stopped it from being a storyline in the past, she is making it one now.

I'm sure Tamra herself would be pissed if she read the comments you made about her daughter, so since you seem to be such a fan of hers, insulting her daughter is not the way to go about it.

"You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you." Mr Darcy


Tamra and Simon both use their children as pawns. I take the above post from Sidney's FB page with a grain of salt. Children are easy to manipulate and Simon is skilled at it. One of their sons is not speaking to Simon now and moved in full time with Tamra. Neither one of them have put their kids needs above their own petty revenge. I understand how embarrassing it must be for those kids to see their mom on tv, but it seems like Sidney was using emotional blackmail on Tamra, and even if she had quit the show it probably would not have solved their complicated issues.


I think it is just that Tamra's daughter is a normal teenage girl that finds everything her mother does embarrassing but because Tamra is on tv it just makes her that much more embarrassing. I am sure if Tamra wasnt ever on tv and was just dressing sexy and kinda loud around the house when her daughters friends were around or came to pick her up at school she would feel just as embarrassed. I am sure kids at school tease her because that is what kids do and I am sure boys she has crushes on probably make comments about her mom and that probably makes resentment build.

We know Tamra has a temper so I am sure she has gotten angry and said things she shouldnt to her kids but I think mostly all parents have those moments. I really think Sidney will grow up and eventually regret all this time she wasted.

My mom died 7 yrs ago and my mom did far worse things to me than Tamra has done and you know I love my mom. I have unresolved anger toward her but if I could have her back today I wouldnt care about anything from the past. It is easy to be angry when someone is alive and well and a phone call away. Whatever Tamra has done she loves her daughter and the damage Sidney is inflicting on her future self is far worse than anything Tamra has done. When someone dies you are haunted by time that was wasted and things left unsaid and you realize just how petty a lot of things that seemed so huge really were. I only hope Sidney comes around before its too late and she has to live with never seeing her mother again and living with all the unresolved feelings that will follow.


That's really heartfelt, I'm so sorry! It's rare that someone on the internet (or at all period these days) opens up about their feelings. It seems like people don't have any feelings whatsoever these days. No sense of humor, no compassion, no love. Just concerned with their looks or belongings. So I wish you the best, you sound very nice

But it really scares me lately.. it's like I don't recognize these people. People have become so soulless and immoral. I just want to get out of here soon.


So I feel that Sidney is actually jealous that her mom is this hot blonde bombshell, while she is quite average (which she could change if she tried; she's cute but not SEXY) and uses her Mother's unconditional love for her as a weapon to hurt Tamra with because she envies what her mother has.

I don't think i've ever read anything so dumb.

Your future is all used up



This has to be the dumbest post ever, if this isn't Tamra herself its someone close to her.


Agreed, I think this is Tamra posting. The OP's picture looks like Jesus, and the poster's name refers to the kingdom of Jordan, where the bible states several miracles took place, so it would make sense if this was the newly Christian Tamra.


Maybe it's Mia, her glutes guru?

Is Trampa still in trouble with the FBI for child porn or whatever that scandal was?


Tamra shouldn't talk about Sydney on the show if Sydney doesn't want to be discussed on the show.

And, Sydney should ask her mother to quit her job and livelihood. Tamra needs to pay her bills.

Both are being unrealistic and petty.

"Destiny is most often met on the road taken to avoid it."
