MovieChat Forums > 30 Rock (2006) Discussion > Cooter episode, Chinese translation.

Cooter episode, Chinese translation.

What do Kenneth and the hot Chinese girl say to each other in Chinese just before the end credits? Hoping there's a helpful native speaker 30 Rock fan...

The mirror... it's broken.
Yes, I know. I like it that way. Makes me look the way I feel.


"While in Beijing, Kenneth gets involved with a Chinese woman who wants his kidneys. The last point was said in Mandarin without subtitles, leaving the English-speaking audience unaware of Kenneth's trouble.

The conversation roughly translates as:
Lady: "Kenneth, I like you, because I am attracted to your two healthy kidneys."
Kenneth: "What?"
(Man breaks down the door with gun drawn)
Kenneth: "I had no idea!"

The conversation in Mandarin: Lady: Kenneth, 我喜歡你,因為我看上了你那兩個健壯的腎。
Kenneth: 什麼?
(Man breaks down the door with gun drawn)
Kenneth: 真沒想到!
