How old is Cerie?

The actress who played her was a teenager at the start of the show and she looks to be around 16-18. It's a bit odd that Liz would hire a teenage girl to be her assistant, but then again it's not too unrealistic, as I know someone who was the assistant of a wedding planner when she was 14. However, if Cerie is a teenager, then why the hell did she try to get married in the first season? Who the hell gets married in high school? What is this, the 1800's?

Also, if she is a teenager, then that makes it really creepy that the writing staff keeps hitting on her considering they are all in their 30's...

I call movies that are considered bad hated movies.


She was young but obviously at least 18, 19 maybe. Geez


As Liz makes quite clear, all the writers are scuzz-bags so them hitting on a very young Cerie is just par for the course.


^That's true. Though, if she is a high schooler or early college student, that still makes it a bit weird that she wants to get married. I know she doesn't want to be a "50-year old mom" to a teenager but, if she waited until, like, 21-22, she'd still be able to have a kid whose a high school graduate before she turns 40.

I call movies that are considered bad hated movies.


And no offense but: the actress playing Cerie was clearly above 18 years old from the get-go.


Katrina Bowden was born in 1988, she was 18 when the show started in 2006.

Just because YOU don't like something doesn't mean it is empirically not good.-Tina Fey


I was watching the first season, and Cerie never looked younger to me now than when it was first airing. I think Tina wanted some jailbait, and the actress is underage at the start.


I don't think Fey is that shallow. Cerie believe it or not, provided a perfect albeit sparingly used foil for Liz Lemon. It was actually quite brilliant at times.


Also, Cerie's mom is supposedly born in 1976😂
