MovieChat Forums > 30 Rock (2006) Discussion > Each character could stand on its own

Each character could stand on its own

And this is why the show is such a gem. It's shows within a show. I would enjoy a show about Jack and Colleen, Jenna and Paul, Tracy with Grizz and Dot Com or even his wife, Tina and her boyfriends any of them, Kenneth and Stone Mountain or just his approach and outlook towards New York life, even something about just the writers. Woven and intertwined together, these stories made this show a powerhouse.


Woah, I didn't think of it that way. But you are right. There were lots of characters I wasn't interested in. But the strength WAS that all of those people existed separately from Liz. Even ones I'm not too interested in. They were their own people who Liz knew but whose existence wasn't dependent on her.

That's actually really rare for a sitcom. Usually you only see characters as how they relate to the protagonist's life and story. Even the writers, who I mostly didn't care about, had their own things going on.

That's why I loved the joke between Liz and Jack "I'm sorry you got caught up in another one of Liz Lemon's wacky adventures." "My adventures. I am the protagonist."

Almost no one was written as just Liz's sidekick. They all had their own lives running parallel. Even her boyfriends except for Criss.

I'd have loved a show with just Colleen being mean to everyone in Florida.

Guess who has two thumbs, speaks limited French, and hasn't cried once today? This moi.
