Favorite Tracy Jordan moments?
Here's a few of mine:
Liz: Break a leg!
Tracy: That's easy for me to do because I have a severe calcium deficiency.
Jack: I'm on the board of directors for the New York Philharmonic.
Tracy: Well I'm friends with Phil Harmonic, the worst rapper ever!
Jack: Tracy, have you ever tried Googling yourself?
Tracy: I Google myself all the time, like when Angie's not in the mood, or I'm in a hotel room by myself.
Jack: That means to look yourself up on the internet.
Tracy: That explains why Liz Lemon was so cool about it the other day!
Tracy: Hey Liz Lemon, can I Google myself in your office?
Liz: Sure Tracy!
Tracy: Can I use your computer?
Liz: How else you gonna do it?
Tracy: I'm hosting the International Pornography Awards and I have to get an insurance physical so I can fly into the arena in a penis-shaped parachute.
Tracy: Thanks, Jack, for coming to this emergency meeting. I'm sorry I'm four hours late, but my alarm clock didn't go off because it died in a cock fight last night.
Tracy: I missed the birth of both of my sons for very legitimate reasons.
Dotcom: Cooking a French bread pizza, and forgot.
Tracy: I yelled 'bababooey' at Walter Cronkite's funeral, so I actually have no idea of what's rude or not.
Tracy: Why don't Catholics eat meat on Fridays? I'll tell you why: It's because the Pope owns Long John Silver's.
Frank: Tracy, did you hear? Fred Dawkins, the overweight guy who was the inventor of Pac Man, has died.
Tracy: I shall eat a bowl of cherries and some ghost meat in his honor.
Tracy: Affirmative action was designed to keep women and minorities in competition with each other to distract us while white dudes inject AIDS into our chicken nuggets.
Liz: I want to see the Tracy Jordan that got you kicked out of the White House!
Tracy: Well I'd love to but the Secret Service took away my t-shirt cannon!