Actually Six Million Dollar man could be pretty cool with today's updated technology. He could battle a new and improved but evil Knight Rider!
There's one that will never happen, thanks in part to what was happening in this country when the show originally aired (70's)- regulations galore:
EPA refuses to certify design elements of hardware due to unknown impact on the environment.
FDA refuses to approve high-tech hardware for humans.
DOE (Energy) refuses to license internal power supply.
ATF classifies some of the hardware as a class 3 destructive device.
NSA and CIA fear compromise of hardware could be a threat to national security.
Original cost of $6 billion becomes $13 billion due to cost overruns and greed.
IRS penalizes Austin for $13 billion in income since he can use the hardware while off duty.
Congress axes funding for the project after a 6 month investigation.
Project is finally finished in Canada and Mexico due to lower production costs.
Ignoring politics doesn't mean politics will ignore you.
-Pericles paraphrased in <100 characters