Question **SPOILER**

Ok I have a question, and please forgive me if I've missed something here.

**** SPOILER****

But when the bodies started to fall out of the walls of the house, I started wondering wouldn't people have noticed the smells coming out of there over the years? Does embalming a body stop it from smelling? I know it's supposed to slow down the decay, but it doesn't completely stop it does it? It seems like someone would have walked in and noticed the smell. I know it's just a movie, but that bugged me lol.


I thought about that, too, but then I also considered the fact that the bodies would be far more decomposed as well. Seems like they were, in a way, mummified or something? That would make for less smell and less decay. Hmm...


maybe it's the low temperature. I mean, they practically used the dead bodies as insulators/ insulator foam
