This movie was hilarious(spoilers?)
Especially the part where the priest who is on the edge of death, is weakly scanning the walls with magnets. I seriously cracked up at that scene. Anyone else have any other funny scenes?
shareEspecially the part where the priest who is on the edge of death, is weakly scanning the walls with magnets. I seriously cracked up at that scene. Anyone else have any other funny scenes?
The kid who could die at any minute hacking the walls open with an axe.
In heaven everything is fine.
Oh God, the movie was (unintentionally) hysterical. I am so terrified of horrors in general and I just laughed my ass off at this. It wasn't until I was halfway through the movie that I realised I had watched it in a theatre 5 years ago and completely forgot the entire movie, that's how bad and memorable it was.
My favourite part was when the mother was in bed hearing strange noises causing her to turn on the lamp and then a blood tattooed freak appeared in front of her. But it wasn't scary, it was hilarious because he looked so stupid. My boyfriend and I kept reminding the scene and adding our own soundtrack at the moment he appeared, such as "Timmy!". So funny!